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A member registered Jul 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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I try to do my best :)

I'm glad you like the game so much and you have fun with it, thank you for your support :)

Exo Simulation community » Remake · Created a new topic Galaxy


I've been working last few days to get some of the game back and the galaxy is back !

If you want to check it out, Keep in mind this is an early work. :

Next step is to get back the stellar systems, as always I can't give you any schedule but I'm working on it.
Stay tuned for more information.


The only cases it happen ( I'll could check but I'm 90% sure ) is when the planet you've selected collide with a bigger planet, or got burned by it's star. Sometimes other planets come close to yours and change dramatically it's orbit, I've seen some been send on the star's surface.
Life cannot destroy planet, no matter how far they've evolved I didn't added this feature.

I've encountered few times and learned how to not choose planets with such risks, at least less risky.  If you need advises ( and spoils... ) you can still PM me.

I know it's a bit confusing, even more as the game over screen don't give any information.  I've got a load of work to make it easier to understand but I must say it's not an easy task as the game is (over?) complicated.

Thank you very much for your comment, it's really much appreciated !

I'm glad you like it so much and yes I'm still working on it but it will need time until next update.. I've posted a note about that if you want more details about what's happening behind the scene. I don't give up, it's just a bit complicated and time consuming :)

I take notes about the plants, it's sounds fair they have their chance to evolve too, thanks for the suggestion.

Have some good time with it and if you have any question, feel free to ask.


Thank you, glad you liked them. Sorry for the late answer, I've been working on my last game Mad Run.
You can check it out here :

It's a free game too :)

Hey, good to hear that everything works fine, thank you :)

I don't have any precise idea, except add the achievement system and some visual enhancements are planned but nothing for gameplay. I know it's a bit boring and lack of things to do, I may add things later like the common reborn system or new level with defferent colors. Nothing very original I must admit, but suggestions are welcome, as always :)

I've been busy myself but I've been working on the game engine and the other game. It's going fine, I've got an early prototype running, a kind of story... I may eventually post it here in few days. Thanks for asking. I hope everything is good for you.

It could happen if your screen can't handle 1680 * 1050. But glad it fixed the crash and I hope you liked the update.

(1 edit)

I'll take a look at it in few hours, I just don't have the time yet.

Sorry for this crap, but this should be an easy fix :)

Edit : I've just tried and seems all good on my computer, maybe try a 'fresh' install or change screen resolution in settings.ini as I forget to reset it as default :

Show intro
Visual quality ( 1 = high settings, 2 = low settings)
Maximum robots on screen ( between 0 and whatever your computer can handle )


I'm aware that the robots may end up creating lag at high level, I'm thinking making a maximum number of them on the screen to prevent lag or modify my game engine to make it more low spec friendly... I'm going to see that in few days.

The buttons should have been larger the last update, I've already seen the problem when you showed me your game after 20k clicks, but, I forget to move the new files in the new game's archive... My bad, I'll do a hotfix today, or a new update, depending on my planning.

Letters for number is an idea  I'll think about, as you said there is not much chance someone will get that far in game but I'll think about it because it's true, it's makes things clearer.

I'll make stars either bigger nor brighter to make it easier to catch, maybe extend time it shows up on screen too.

Thank you again for your feedback, it's really much appreciated !

Hi, I'm glad you liked those changes and played that much !
Are you using an auto-clicker ? :)

I've added a confirmation before quitting the game, as you asked, and I must say it was needed.

And thank you for my next game, I'm working on it.

Hi slavik_00,

I've updated the game with few things you should like.  You won't be quitting game next time you'll be watching TV at same time ;)
I'm not sure about the option menu, maybe I will add a button to show stats and a label to tell how to show / hide GUI.

I'm working on another project at the same time, some sort of Rogue / Idle game that should be on in few days, but I will still update this game.

I hope you will like this update like previous ones, thanks for your support !

(1 edit)

As always, thank you for your feedback. I don't really work on this game only for you, but I like your suggestions and how you point out many issues. So most of what you said ended up in the game :)

It doesn't take me much time to work on this project and I will work on another one sooner or later. I just want to have something enjoyable  even if it's designed to be a minimalist game. Next will probably be a rogue like game, but we will see...

About the issues you told me in your comment :
- I've fixed playtime (bad math, it's always been based on time not clicks or anything)
- hidden the best clicks ( you can still show / hide it with the s key )
- Blocked clicks on GUI counting as gain click, so you start new game with 0 click

I've changed several design related thing, slowed down a bit the breathing and greatly improve the visibility of something that's ready to be leveled up.

I'll think about a way to celebrate a level up and we will see in a future update with the achievements.

Hope you will like the changes !

Thank you for you support, it's much appreciated !

I've listen to what you said and I've made some changes according to what you "asked". I must say you have good ideas for this game !

I've added total playtime, total clicks and clicks per second, so you and other players can hopefully challenge yourself. 

The achievement system will come with the next update, with probably "something" that will randomly pop on the screen, that we will have to click on to get a small gold bonus.

I hope you will like those changes and keep on playing.

Hi slavik_00, I'm glad you like the changes !

I agree with you, 50 more clicks is a bit too much, I'll reduce it to 17 as you suggested and we will see how it goes.

About the power :
It randomly goes up and down, so it's normal that it can goes back all the way up or down.
This random change is based, for now, on how many managers you have, more you have more it will fluctuate.
I'll change this in an update, make it not related to managers, but with it's own things to buy and update.
For now, once power reach near 100% you'll gain 10% of the managers' gain per frame ( mean you can gain 60 times managers' gain per second ).

Thank you so much for helping me balancing the game and you suggestions.

Hey, thanks for your comment and glad you had fun !

To be honest I didn't went that far in my own game, just around level 10.. So thanks for your feedback it's much appreciated. I'll investigate this high level issue and make a real growing curve.

I'll fix that missing e on reset.

Thanks again, and happy to see you had fun !

If you have issue launching the game using app, please move the file .itch.toml in the same folder as Launcher.exe.

Hi, I made a patch for fixing misspellings in English, thanks again for pointing out this mayor issue !

Exo Simulation community · Created a new topic FAQ

What do you use to make the game?

I make the game with SDL2 for display, sounds and inputs, Boost for serialization process ( basically saving data's into files ), STL of course and Code::Block for programming using mwing as compiler.

Why does it takes so long between updates?

As I said in the previous question, I only use basics libraries for programming this mean I have to make almost every game components ( interfaces, gameplay elements... ). I'm making all by myself, code, design, communication... All of them are time consuming and I have a family to take care of. If the game have a solid community I will spend more time on it's development than I actually do.

Why did you made it?

I always loved simulation games, play a lot at SimCity, SimEarth ( many of Maxi's game when Will Wright was giving awesome ideas) many others games such as Rollercoaster tycoon, Zoo tycoon. I did like Spore but it was far away from simulation so few years ago I started few things about creating a more complex planet simulation, then added stars and galaxy to finally reach the point I feel like this wasn't like any other simulation games I've played.

(1 edit)

Hi nobusawa, thank you for your review, it's really helpful ! 

I understand the issues you've encountered and I will work on them as soon as possible. Spelling mistakes will be easy to correct, it's a simple .txt file that anyone can edit, no code update is needed. So this point will be fix as soon as I find those bad spelling. About the tutorial and more informations on what's going on, it's a tricky part for me, there is an incomplete in-game tutorial that I need to finish. If I understand you well, you did not knew what's happening on your planet and what to do, there is no main goal for now, just select planets and wait ( you can extract ores and matters, craft items, upgrade your spaceship... ). 

Thank for pointing out those issues and stay tuned for next update that will try to fix those problems.

Gregory Gentilhomme

Hello everyone, this week the game is free and many of you did get the game. I really hope you appreciate it and have a lotta fun with it! 

Thanks for making the game alive and a bit more popular all around the world. 

Now that would be awesome if some of you, dear downloaders, would give me your opinion about A God's Job - A Space Exploration Game. What you like or dislike, what need to be improved or changed... Well I need your opinion, good or not, it's really important to have feedbacks especially when you're alone on a project. I'm not making this game only for me but for all gamers looking for such kind of game !

Have some fun with it, share links for , forum and the Facebook page. I hope to see your comments soon !