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This game has good potential. The music is great! The main issue right now is that the outcomes of fights aren't clear. E.g. I was surprised when my ships couldn't fly away and were instead attacked - and didn't even retaliate! The exact rules of the fight are never clear. I read that it's resolved in "alternating fashion" but what does that mean? At the very least you need to show numbers near arrows - to see in what order your units will execute them. Then resolve fights step by step (also the shots). Maybe even reveal the enemy orders (with their numbers). I gave up in mission 2 (where there are 3 planets at the top and 3 at the bottom) because I couldn't understand the rules how combat is resolved.


Ships move in the order that you order them but all attacks are carried out first but if you attack the same ship that attacks you in the same ordering then you both attack each other (potentially killing you both - this is the only exception to the "alternating fashion"). Base building and repair are all done after movement.

TLDR: Attacks carried out alternating, in order (except when attacking your attacker at the same time) then Movements are carried out alternating, in order then Base building, Ship and Base Repair are carried out alternating, in order.