I made it thanks to the hints. Best I could manage on this game was 9 holes. How long does it go on? Is there any reward at any point? I have to say, I wasn't expecting a whole arcade lol, I was expecting some unlockable "true" ending. And some extra fanservice with Batty.

Since you're cool enough to respond, might as well ask this too, what was this supposed to say? I could never really make it out.

Is it a name? A clue to one of the puzzles?
and here I'll also say seriously this is a cool game. I'm trying to get others to play it too. Though, being able to play it on an actual gameboy is a neat novelty I like the art and aesthetic so much that personally I hope if you make another one it's just like SNES art quality at least. I'd love to see this world/characters (especially Batty ) in higher def.