Mini-guide here for anyone wondering about the scenes - a lot of people were asking but didn't see a response with a complete answer. Spoilers warning, I guess.
I counted 7 different characters with scenes (6 female, 1 non-binary). You can tell they have a scene if they are dirty when they come in and are not that one male character who is always dirty. Some characters seem to have names if you talk to them, but since they seem to change sometimes I'll go by hair color. The characters are:
- Blonde hair w/ green eyes
- Blue hair with hairband
- Blue/pink hair
- Pinkish hair (white in scenes) (non-binary)
- Brown hair w/ glasses
- Dark blue hair
- Red hair
There are 4 scenes for each character (28 total) - they are the same for each, just with a different character in them. Scenes refer to full-screen art - there are some additional animations for each character (getting into washer, in the washer, facial expressions). To get all scenes, you need to encounter each character at least 3 times, since you can get scene 1 and either 2 or 3 each time you run into them. There is no need to worry about gameplay, since it isn't implemented - just skip the other characters until you get the one you need. The scenes are:
- Offer to wash the character, then cancel the machine after starting it. Offer to wash them yourself ("let me clean you" or "it'll be softer").
- After washing the character (either yourself or in the machine) ask for payment ("I need payment"). When they offer "alternative payment", accept ("certainly").
- After washing the character (either yourself or in the machine) ask for payment ("I need payment"). When they offer "alternative payment", ask for money again ("I need money"). When they offer to work, accept ("deal!").
- After starting the washer with a character inside, wait until the timer hits 200, then stop the washer. When they ask why you didn't stop, answer "I don't know", then accept their offer.
That should do it.