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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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the games arent actually forbidden. nobody is forcing valve to block them for german users. that's their own decision because they dont wanna bother with reliable age verification.

the funny part is: if u get keys for lewd games like from indiegala or elsewhere, u can still redeem them on steam as german user and play em.just the shop and community pages are locked for german users.

dying light was outright banned in germany since the devs refused to change the blood color of zombies to green. its still banned to this day. dying light 2 somehow isnt though. so its not just strict but also inconsistent.

yes there are lewd games on steam. but blocked for german users. german laws require steam to implement a reliable age verification. instead of bothering with that valve decided to block naughty games for german users.
i think in china its a similar issue.
so for users from those regions itch is the better choice.
(itch just doesnt give 2 sh1ts bout that in general)

thanks! i couldnt figure out space and the last 2. for sword i first thought "knife" since its also 5 letters but after that failed i found it right away. death was no issue either. the bunny minigame shows colored letters to hint at it (u have to go out of bounds at the top and go around to find the blue 1)

hover your mouse at the bottom edge below the pc screen- a page becomes visible. click that to see the clues.

the hypno fight is completely broken. once you get confused or put to sleep its over. your pokemon doesnt get to act again. hypno can put it back to sleep even before it wakes up again putting infinite sleep on it.

also dewgong's rest doesnt work. it said it would heal at the end of the turn(which isnt even how rest works). didnt happen.

also why do you have the option to call iris when it is literally never used?

i also have a question: what does the filter even do? changing the filter setting between none, weak and strong seems to have no effect. and upgrading filter level neither

(2 edits)

got to the point after having sex with tsumugi where nothing new happens.

cow bath is unlocked and visiting daily. no josie scene so far.

keep grinding for money in hopes of getting better ghosts. 1. in hope of sexing isabella. 2. in hopes there's a plot twist and we DO get to find the protag's wife. nothing so far. gotten a $94 ghost once so far. never again. didnt unlock anything.

used the cheat code cause it was getting boring and monotonous to keep grinding. the gallery has a sex scene for josie and isabella. but the scene replay has nothing for them. so i guess a sex scene was initially planned but then not implemented after all? if they are in the gallery then why not make a scene for it?

also why isnt there a ghost gallery? was curious what other ghosts might be out there that i havent gotten yet.

i know the game wont be updated anymore since the "final version" has been released end of may... but would be nice getting those 2 scenes and the ghost gallery.

also maybe an increase of album size/removal of the cap? read in the final version update note that its at 150. that isnt enough for all the girl pics. sure with the cheat code u get em all in the gallery. but for those that dont support on patreon to get the code they wont be able to keep all them goodies. 

*it's NOT necessary. while winrar does ask you to buy it every time you open it, it works just fine without ever paying for it. you can simply close the small window that asks for you to buy it without the actual program window closing. the endless trial period of winrar is common knowledge on the internet and is getting meme'd about a lot.

prof. oak failed her so she gotta turn towards a younger more active man

especially against the elite four as you cant leave to go heal otherwise you have to start over.

greninja is the end of the evolution line. (Froakie -> Frogadier -> Greninja)

i tried that with the stones as soon as i noticed u cant use them. but still... u have an inventory. could just make the items usable there. or add a menu item for the pokemon above the "give item" named "use item". currently the inventory menu has no use other than showing what items u have.

btw really love the persona velvet room music in the dev room. one of my fav OST from persona series.

if u start the game in "fust for fun" mode instead of "normal mode" u get a cheat menu.

already is. check the download section.

already has a cheat menu if u select "just for fun" instead of normal mode

u wanna screw agatha be honest

(5 edits)

good game so far

a few issues that i noticed though...
1. flying is immune to ground that is correct so far but certain moves still have their additional effects apply even though the target is immune:
sand attack and mud slap both reduce accuracy of flying pokemon  and bulldoze reduces speed even though it says "doesnt affect"...
same for nuzzle on ground pokemon. my larvitar just got nuzzled into paralysis despite the "doesnt affect".
2. spore moves work on grass pokemon somehow...
3. evolution stones cant be used...
4. y no legendaries? even if u didnt implement the static encounters you could add them so players can use them in cheat mode
5. hilda repeats her dialogue when selecting the lenny face option.
6. switching out pokemon doesnt seem to reset debuffs. still missing like crazy after accuracy drop and switching out and back in. same for effect like curse! switching out does not get rid of it!
7. paralysis seems to have a too high trigger rate. 80% of the paralyzed turns my pokemon cant move. one time i had it that paralysis triggered 5 turns in a row (from when it was applied until it wore off)
8. PP gets used even if your pokemon cant move (sleep, paralysis, frozen)

its just the pokedex number... check bulbapedia or something similar to get the national dex # of the pokemon u want. also there are no legendaries in this game. check the ingame pokedex if the number u wanna enter has an entry before attempting the cheat.

the real origin of the tall lady is the legend of "Hasshaku-sama"(or also known as"hachishakusama"). that's where they got the idea for Lady Dimitrescu in resident evil.

180 is enough. 3 full ingame hours.

Never played Panel De Pon. For me that gameplay nostalgia is linked to Pokemon Puzzle League on N64. Still getting the nostalgia bonus points though. Good game.
The battles/"dates" are quite fast paced and the story is quite short so it was over a bit too quick tbh.

Would have been funny to battle/date Cirno. But also funny the way it played out.
Though can we get some medical help for Alice? That art just looked horrible xD

Simple and solid. Has potential.

But i had an issue with the browser version.
While rightclick does work, rightclicking while holding shift to focus triggers the browser's context menu (using firefox) which not just blocks a part of the screen until clicked away but also locks your movement since the keypresses are handled by the context menu and thus arent forwarded to the game's control. Obviously easy to get rid of by just clicking into the game again to close the contextmenu but in a heated moment the short blocking of movement can cost you a life.

the penis sizes are the wrong way around... what appears as the biggest in the character creation is stated as "very small" in the profile. 2nd largest is "small", 2nd smallest is "medium" and the smallest dick is shown as "large" in the profile...



there will be a panel at the top of the screen saying "You own this adult game" with the price you paid and how long ago. with a download button. click that and you will have the current download options available.

i purchased it nov 2021 when only episode 4 or 5 was out but can download ep 7 without issue. so dont worry about it.

it also says the game is currently on sale.

i rly love this game. cant wait for it to be finished.
im diligently advertising/recommending this game to ppl.
got quite a few ppl interested in the game as well who wanna see it when its done.

the visuals are nice and the music is good (though a bit monotonous)
gameplay quite empty though...
in the 2nd stage you did much less than in the first stage where the controls are explained...
you run 200m before ANYTHING happens.

game has potential but needs to start using that potential
im not the best with fast-paced games myself but even for me it felt more like an animation with music that you only watch rather than a game you actively play.

(3 edits)

when extracting the zip i got several messages bout images with same name trying to replace eachother... ユスカキヘキマ・.png_ in img/valdungeon (dont know how this will affect the gameplay later on)
and an audio loading error upon starting the game.
the jam version being unplayable is unfortunate. usually i would give that the lowest score.
but since this jam supports a charity i'll give you the chance and rate the fixed version.
have to substract a point for this though.

good things first :
- nice graphics for the monsters.
- the audio is nice (but can get a bit repetitive especially the one in the village if you stay too long).
- the gameplay is quite intuitive and easy to understand.
- the game concept is quite different from what im used to with RPG Maker games so that is quite refreshing.

a few suggestions for improvement:
- when exchanging ore and herbs in the tavern it would be nice if the amount you have would be shown during the confirmation.
- during monster fusion it would be nice if the resulting monster would be shown for example above the ok/cancel buttons because as soon as you click ok to see the result you cant go back. while some fusion results are known beforehand through the tutorial image, if you havent done that fusion yet and dont know the resulting monster it might be a bit disappointing (losing an ice demon aura and a goddess pandora to just receive a dream slime stung quite a bit...) showing off what you would get before confirming the fusion would be a VERY welcome addition. do you know the shin megami tensei game series? there you can see the fusion result before the fusion as well.
- a monster compendium with all the monsters you have owned so far would be nice. with information on how to get them (which dungeon and/or what to fuse to get it) would be absolutely amazing.
- the chests in a dungeon dont show anything when you use a key. is it just to get points or do they give any loot? would be great if the loot you got from a chest would be listed after opening it.

things im a bit split about and bugs encountered:
- you get quite a lot of full potions. i easily reached the max amount in just a few minutes. one COULD argue that it makes the game too easy. BUT: since you cant use potions during the battle and once a monster you own is defeated it is gone for good (which could be seen as quite harsh) so that balances out the challenge factor. that you can easily lose monsters for good made me really worried about the ice demon and yggdrasil that you start with since i didnt know how to get them again through fusion or in dungeon. then i encountered 2 ice demons in quick succession... that calmed down the worries i had.
- the attack "Moon" says it hits all enemies but it only hits the one targeted enemy. needs to be fixed. either the description to not say "all enemies" anymore or the effect to ACTUALLY hit all enemies instead of one.
- the difficulty spike on the final boss was extreme. when he had like 1/3 of his hp left he spammed an AoE instakill attack EVERY. SINGLE. Turn which even my "strongest" monster the valkyrie that is shown as final fusion in the fusion tutorial (still weaker in defense than yggdrasil and weaker in both atk and defense than ice demon aura) couldnt even tank even with defense buff... i thought i was going to lose right before the end when almost all my strong monsters were dying off each round with some not even able to attack before dying due to low speed... barely managed to win with the last like 3 of my medium strong units but only due to atk buffs from the fencer... lost like 80 monsters in that fight. maybe debuff the AoE attack a bit so the strongest monster with def&mdef buff can survive one hit at least... and maybe make it so it doesnt use it EVERY turn so you can actually set up some buffs to actually do some dmg to him even with medium strong monsters...
- the monsters have weapon and armor slots and the inventory has weapon and armor categories but there wasnt a single type of equipment in the game. was a bit weird.

would give it 5 stars but since the jam version is unplayable i gotta do 4.

pretty late but: the Alt + Enter combination works on pretty much every RPG Maker game. if a game has a start menu and battle HUD like this game its most likely an RPG Maker game and the Alt + Enter combination should work.

if u only had youmu on the photo it might make sense that it didnt work but if u had a photo with both youmu and the ghost in it and it still didnt work then i guess it was really a bug. bugs that only happen for some people are the most annoying type of bugs.
as a dev for business software i hate it when the customer gets a bug that i cant reproduce on my system. how the heck is a dev supposed to find/fix those bugs that decide to appear randomly? xD

did u only have the person on the photo or also the thing next to her?

well deserved 1st place. grats.

hint: if u talk to aya again she mentions a person. that should give u the answer what picture she wants.

sometimes it just be that way....
the badly timed aerial too close to the ground makes the most sense for me though.

was it because of the spamming or just badly timed aerial attacks that were too close to the ground so the animation couldnt go from attack to falling to landing before hitting the ground?

great game, cute art, funny dialogues, nice gameplay, good level of challenge.
only one bug encountered: if u spam attacks midair u can get softlocked in a falling animation while u already hit the ground. only getting hit by an enemy sets u free as the getting hurt animation overwrites the falling animation and afterward u got the normal standing animation.
not the prettiest bug to encounter but also not gamebreaking and also not that easy to reproduce. only had it twice during my playthrough (i spammed a lot of attacks midair...)

ez 10/10 game (would be 11/10 if it was finished)
cant wait for the full game