When Ryen takes Kimiko's virginity, it is said "You can't help but adore how sweet this young woman is. In your mind, you take note to thank and reward Lady Forbes later for protecting Kimiko's precious virginity.".
So after Kimiko and Ryen were done, I went back to thank and reward Lady Forbes as it was suggested, hoping that it would trigger a romantic scene with Lady Forbes, especially since she said "Everything is going well with Kimiko? Though I must admit that I'm a bit sad that I missed my chance...".
And...nothing happened.
I feel disappointed.
And I feel sad for Lady Forbes who feels sad.
I would like to make her happy like every other woman that Ryen makes happy on his path. :-)
I would like a romantic scene with Lady Forbes if Ryen goes back to her after thinking that he wants to thank and reward her. :-)
And we know what Lady Forbes wants, since she said she is a bit sad that she missed her chance before Kimiko took Ryen.
And we know that Ryen doesn't limit himself to one woman so having a romantic relationship with Kimiko doesn't prevent him to have romantic relationships with many other women and there is no reason and would be unfair that Lady Forbes doesn't get her chance like the others.
Don't you feel bad for Lady Forbes? Don't you want to make Lady Forbes happy and add a romantic scene for her as her reward for keeping Kimiko's virginity safe for Ryen? :-)
You know that is what Ryen wants, he took a note in his mind about it. ;-3
So make it happen please. ;-)