I really like this idea and story. It just let a ton of beautiful landscapes possibly appear. And then this is what your music does!
Musically, special mention to "Let fortunes be told"! It really is adventurous and full of hope at the same time. The instrumentation is really well made with a catchy melody! I really loved it!!
Loved the sometimes surprising chord progression in "Where star kids sing" which let us drift along with the voices...
Nice discreet Pirates of Caribbean touch in Capitain of sand and sea haha! It works as intended I guess as I could instantly hear that and then be carried on in the universe you build up.
This is overall a very eclectic submission which made me travel with the character until the very well written final. I could absolutely feel the journey the traveler had gone through, between pain and joy, and then the sky sort of responded to those feelings. So you managed to really tell a story with this final piece.
I was in it 100%, I'm on my phone cause no laptop atm, so I'm shorter in words than I would like.. Much more to say, I hope others will notice different things
Very well done and thank you for sharing this heartbreaking music story.