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A member registered Oct 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Soooo sorry, I assumed you speak French for some reason 😅 my bad :/

Edit : Because of the "mise-en-scène" sentence on your introduction track 😇

Such a cool song with a unique progression! So much much passion went into this, with the video editing as a bonus 👌

Your composition style and harmonic choices are very interesting. You captured a magical vibe with a sense of wonder and comforting let go. It is really enjoyable. I like ot a lot! :D

And the fact that you recorded accoustic instruments blended with your voice (I presume) helps giving this piece it's cozy vibe. Superb job and a unique submission, congratulations and thanks for sharing ! :)

Amazing orchestration ! :0 Playful Waves was a delightful moment of Joy! 

There are tone of great harmonies in these songs. I liked the interaction of the two flutes in Temple, super cool sound! :D

In First Fly I really like how you used rythm, as two waves of melody, to convey the idea of wind blowing. Great musical imagerie on that one I thinkbit worked very well here. :)

Escape to Reality is such a climat in the ost!! Impressive composition :0

And haha that "ring bell" at the beginning, it made me smile. Yet it was powerful, with the light sound design and voice it really brings you back to reality sweetly.

The more I dived into this soundtrack the more I was hooked and admirative.

Superb Ost all along greaat job !!!

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Super cool ambiance in my opinion. I guess (I might be wrong) or at least it feels like you do music very instinctively. Without giving too much attention to what theory says and not trying to reproduce a style/genre. I like this approach a lot cause I find myself in this :)

From time to time some melody parts or harmonisation seemed a bit jarring. But the way you make everything flow together make it work perfectly for me. I actually really liked how you developped each song, their movement and evolution. This gives a unique kind of composition, and a skill at it that you've already well grown, and will still grow I hope. 

Hope to see you next jam :)

Edit : The artwork is sooooo cool 🤩

En Français ? :)

Alors franchement, après une autre ré écoute,  j'ai du mal à trouver de quoi faire une critique constructive. Je dis pas ça pour faire plaisir.

Les thèmes musicaux et l'instrumentation sont là, l'exécution qui donne une bonne identité à l'ensemble, y'a même un passage presque juste sound design et sons creepy avec Lights off.

Non vraiment cette Ost est comme prête à l'emploi pour moi ^^

Si vraiment il fallait chipoter, sur du mixage peut-être ? Et encore, question de goûts, et d'outils aussi (perso je sais pas vraiment faire rn plus). Genre les violons peut-être un poil fort dans Cross Road comparé à Close Your Eyes par exemple? Bien que ça peut se justifier, pour faire sentir plus d'inquiétude dans la 1ere alors que la seconde est supposée véhiculer des émotions moins dark...

Bref, je pense qu'on peut améliorer une œuvre à l'infini, et même si ton ost n'est pas la plus "impressionnante" ou "extraordinaire". Elle a de nombreux atouts, beaucoup de cases sont "cochées". Et ça, c'est une vraie force. C'est tentant de faire "la plus belle compo", mais ici tu as réussi à faire une "vraie bande son de jeu vidéo", ce qui n'est pas forcément le cas de certains projets que j'ai adoré .

Voilà je ne t'ai absolument pas apporté de critique constructive,  mais c'est plutôt un retour sur la force ou la pertinence de ton travail sur ce jam sue je met en avant :)

Hâte de voir autre chose :)

Really great work with the tools you mentionned ! :0 I can't imagine myself doing stuff on an Ipad ^^

Great progression and use of sounds over the track, it was entertaining and conved a picture of the ocean and an adventure going on so.. good job :)

Superb emulated chiptune! There are tons of cools details through the track !

That key change with the acceleration was upliftung! Supercool buildup to it :D

Also the bubbly vibe is there with the main motif from the beginning/ending. A fish in the sky Yes!

So.. well done :)

Thank you very much! I had fun mixing orchestra and floaty synths all around :)

Great building :) some songs are actually reaaally fun :D

I kinda did the same, one big template with every sound I wanted and then goooo :)

(2 edits)

Thank you very much! For the vocal part it was my first attempt so I really appreciate :)

For the bells well, (if you talk about the ascending arrpegio) from memory I kept the sound of the  Wurlie piano (a bit percussive) that keeps repeating a motif all along the track. And added bells/kalimba/piano sound mixed low behind. Reverb and some light eq/disto/chorus effects might have been involved :)

Thank you very much :)

Super mise en scène ! J'adore toutes ces mélodies qui se croisent dans l'introduction :D

It gives an unsettling feeling, fitting the horror but still "cute" -I guess- setting of your game!

Everything felt quite cinematic and I could clearly see myself exploring daunting places...

And I also like how Close Your Eyes felt comforting after all this sweet dark vibe. And then Real brought me back to a depressed/melancholic reality by coming home with the same musical theme you developped all along.

Very well thought, bravo!

Funny whacky vibe all along! Some songs could have use some more variations, but I guess it makes a great bgm while dodging those ennemies.

What I like the most is the sound palette you've come with, it definitely set a muffed tone and whackiness that fits your game with a unique color. And the effort put on video made this a very enjoyable experience :)

Thank you very much :) I tested some IA image generator and felt like different covers could fit the mood of each song and convey something different for each one :)

Thanks! Definitely had fun doing this one :D

(1 edit)

Oh thanks for the tab! From what I see I was quite good :) I am pretty bad at naming chords too ^^

It makes me want to do something with a piece of guitar work I have, and develop it as inspired from this maybe?

I might try to write a tab for it and share it with you. It would be fun to see what violins and synths movements you would add on top ! One day maybe if you feel like testing it :) 

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I think I got the main part right, I went until 1.40 then the synth took too much for me to focus haha ^^ The chords might seem simple to you but I find this progression very interesting. I might get advanturous on key writing on the keyboard but I struggle to do so on the guitar so that is fun to learn :D

And the pacing of the arpeggiating is so moving, the debut of main motif at 0.28 to 0.31 for example (the B going to G through F/D?) is a great motion. With that G going to A minor 👌 The pause and then doubling the arpeggios makes a cool cadence. I don't know, these chords felt non-intuituve to me at first and I wondered how you proceeded :)

Super cool switch in the Owl Encounter! Really has the vibe of meeting a goofy character from Zelda ^^ This my favorite of the 3 I guess :)

Machine Monster had some really interesting progression toward the end with the "mechanical" beat, a well crafted track!

Bien joué ;)

Oww, some wild chords on piano in the "Start game" theme :)

Morning Shrine Visit is so atmospheric and calming, I love it...

June goes to school is so fun and touching with it's clumsy flute sound haha! Adorable :)

The Festival conveyed the atmosphere so well! And the transition where she lost her mom is really good keeping the rythmic instruments !

The almost answered prayer had such a good progression, well made. My favorite maybe :)

Oh really cool finish with Inside my world. The accoustic guitar and your voice make for a nice ending/credits theme. Cool touch !

Also, so cool to have that video all along, thank you for sharing :)

Those violins coming wildly but softly were a really cool touch to the main theme, I love what they add.

Then great musical narration with the return of this motif in the second track.

The choirs and deep cello in the third song add deepness to the story developpement. Well thought :)

The fourth track was a nice break with it's light instrumentation a calm vibe. It still maintain some tension, great for the solving puzzle part that you imagined!

The final boss theme wasn't that epic, but it managed to give me a strong heroic vibe while being very cohesive with all of the previous experiences. Nicely made :)

I instantly connected with the simple yet poetic setting you give for the story.

So cool to know you've recorded everything with real instruments, it gives an authentic feeling and it works great for the story. My cat is closing is eyes along the second track right now ^^

Nice touch with the whispers on track four, and the hesitating violin... really hypnotic. Great musical narration.

Amazing job with a minimal amount of tools. Great creativity!!

I am so fond of this kind of music!!! :D

The main theme is so romantic and beautiful ! So much dynamic, the orchestration is unbelivable!

Woooah, that intro in Ingrained Fear! How did you do this :0

Amazing Ost honestly! And truly inspiring :) hope you get top 5 minimum!

Nice concept for a life simulation game. The first track is really ambiant with neat sound design, so cool :) . I could perfectly picture Om floating in space.

Blood Angel has some amazing work on the sound too :0 super cool atmospheric scenery. Your music gives mmevery strong and beautiful spacey visuals!

Great to hear a bit of your voice and guess the work you did from there :) that was an amazing cinematic Ost ! Keep up the work!

Crazy fun story setting for a crazy run and gun game! ^^

The fast paced and cool rythm pattern works really well for that kind of game!

Haha Long Corridors had me freaking out ! Creepy minimalist introduction to a boss, super cool mood !

I really liked the texture of those arpeggios synths in King Tuna, great name btw ^^

Oh Dear gave me a nice break, very cool work on the sound.

Meet Your Maker is super fun!! Fitting perfectly your game idea with that whacky tone, greeat :)

The concept of your game is fun :) Great contextualisation with the bips in the opening!

Wow terrific mood in Wake up! :0 and again in the first track, those bips leading to that agressive noise wall! It expresses the pressure that tou have to face very well. 

It's cool that the last track could play like before a final battle where the previous track then brings the agressive synths.

Nice sound overall :)

Loved that sudden melancholy descent on the first song! Beautiful opening :)

Super cool chords to convey the ambiance in the second one. It feels a bit scary and mysterious all along. I really like the composition on that one! 

I could see the bubbles with Origins starting, a much more light and playful song that evoked a possible brighter future after the previous songs.

Very beautiful music !

Haha thank you so much! I listenend to The Gate and wow, such a trip :0

Very nice to know what you liked the most! And I guess I can feel happy if you got inspired by the writing, means a lot coming from you. (I actually tried to follow and play a bit of your Mourning Sun song on guitar,  love some unexpected mouvements :D)

Thank you very much ! I had fun doing it ! :)

Great work on the textures on the first track, very etheral feeling! It puts you in the mood :)

After the calm introduction, I was surprised when the bass came in the main theme, but it helped the track conveying that dreamy "inside my world" vibe. And when it evolves into this rising wave... so coooool :D

Great work on the sound and aestethics !!

(1 edit)

Wow! Great effort put into this! I love the mix of mood and ambiance right in the first track! It tells the story you write very well.

Every track was following a great dynamic and had it's own emotional impact for the story. Perfect musical narration!

The mixing and sound design is superb. I loved the mix of folk and electronic textures to translate the world you described. Amazing job :)

Edit : Truly super fun and creative, almost full five stars :0 love it!

Such a calming and beautiful Ost... You truly captured the vibe of those classic jrpg you mentionned. 

Great work :)

(1 edit)

Great variety of sounds through this ost ! :)  The guitars add to the fun and to the mood greatly!

I also found a lot of your musical "gimmicks" and ideas interesting and fun :D

I really liked the vibe of A New Day to Explore, perfect ambiant and active track to discover areas in the game!

That battle theme against the Clown was craaaaazy, looove it!

Great and very fun Ost with a strong personality :) Well done!

Thanks Nick! Thank you for taking the time to comment! :D

Thank you it goes right to my heart!

Thanks for the attention to details ! :)

Thank you very much!

Woah thank you so much :0 ! I also really appreciate your words <3 And I'm very happy if you found something valuable about my music :)

I guess that's why we do this in the first place, to touch and connect with something inside :)

Thank you, I really appreciate this! :)

Yes I did change my username after this first Town Music Jam :)

Glad we can still listen to each others on these jams :) 

I think that's good wishing to sound non canonical ! I learnt and experimented that way when I started playing music :) I hope I kept that in my own way, don't change yours. I'll have to check your other stuff also because I like that approach :)

The motion and different sections in the Main Theme felt cohesive and seemless, it gives a very strong sense of narration. 

It is good to have people like you coming into these jams, it's encouraging and inspiring :)