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Very melancholic, and I love the chord progressions/switches in your compositions! I'm a little confused about one of the tracks though: is it "Codo a codo" like the download says or "Mas que dos" like it says on Soundcloud?

Even though this is technically for a game ost, I could easily see these songs being used in one of those short films where there's no dialogue. The story you came up with is really bittersweet too.

Thanks for commenting! I focused a lot on looking for harmonic possibilities that would make the melody dramatic, which is really quite simple in both themes. I'm glad you liked it

Regarding the name, it was my mistake, thanks for the heads up. Just corrected it. I named that track after a poem by Mario Benedetti, and while naming it I used a different verse than the one I intended. It says 

"si te quiero es porque sos
mi amor mi cómplice y todo
y en la calle codo a codo
somos mucho más que dos."

(if I love you it is because you are   //  my love, my accomplice and everything  //  and in the street side by side  //  we are much more than two.)