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I really enjoyed this! I liked the art style. I wish there was more variety in the platforms or buildings, I found myself getting lost. Something simple like putting signs on the shops or numbers on the apartment doors could help give the player landmarks to navigate by.

There's controls for selecting different dialogue options and the characters seem to talk like I'm saying things to them, but I never saw any dialogue options. I didn't play the game in fullscreen because I wanted to see the controls on the itch page, so maybe the dialogue options  were not visible because of that.

I couldn't figure out how to give the nose to the performer, but I did get the briefcase upgrade at the store. I was really excited by the briefcase upgrade! At that point I had filled my inventory with dollars and rope, so an upgrade felt good at that point in the game.

I figured out scurrying up walls (really fun btw) but couldn't open weak walls with the explosive or use the ropes. I got the ropes on the hooks, but didn't know what to do from there. Some clarity would be helpful. The instruction dump at the beginning was overwhelming, I think some more organic learning (like the guy who teaches you long jump) would help the player learn more effectively.

Overall I really liked this game. It was charming. Even though it's a bit unfinished and clunky (like most jam games lol) something about it really stuck out to me. Very curious to see if and how you build it from here :)

If I had to guess, I’d guess I have a bug with different screen sizes that’s cutting off the dialogue options from the screen @_@

It’s kind of interesting you were able to get as far as you did without being able to see them!

In any case, there’s a lot I want to go back and tighten up in this one after the jam. I’m glad you had a good time playing it in this state, though, despite the bugs >.>>

Thanks for playing!