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I love how you used a few simple and mellow instruments, strings and piano to me is always the best classical combo! I love the first track the best I think, it’s so tranquil but also carries a sense of melancholy, sort of like it’s foreshadowing the events to come. Love how you phrased it as being “a trio sung by the sea, the stars, and the moon,” that kind of personification is something I really enjoy hearing in music.

Ah, as I was typing this, “The Island in the Fog” started to play and that one is now also my favorite! I love the mysterious piano :)

The last track, I love when the other strings join around 30 seconds in, but I feel like it could feel more climactic if something about the track had gotten louder at that part too. I’m no expert in mixing/mastering so I don’t know if that would’ve been like, raising the volume of certain instruments, or just adding a louder sounding one. I had to turn my volume up just for those parts to get the full effect. Still a wonderful track though, nice composition!

Overall, really great work!

Thanks for the feedback!

I was really struggling with mixing that last one, for some reason it just wouldn't come together the way I imagined it. 


That’s okay, I’ve been there before! (During this jam, actually 😭)