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Hi there, thanks for your patience over the holidays! Just to be sure, which version of the template are you using? We hope these answers are still needed.

1. Your persistent.typeface for notosans-regular is not the same between gui.rpy and screens.rpy, therefore Ren'Py isn't recognizing when you have the typeface set to Noto Sans. The easiest way to fix this is by changing the line in Font Size to if persistent.typeface == "/gui/font/notosans-regular.ttf"

2. To ensure that the Line Spacing setting takes effect, please add the following to your say screen styles in screens.rpy.

style say_dialogue:
    properties gui.text_properties("dialogue")
    xpos gui.dialogue_xpos
    xsize gui.dialogue_width
    ypos gui.dialogue_ypos
    adjust_spacing False
    line_spacing gui.preference("dialogue_spacing", 2)

3. For the custom screenshakes, please note that $ shake() only corresponds to the small_shake in the template. Other strengths are at the bottom of the below block.

init python:
    # Shakes the screen. To use, put
    # $ shake()
    # inline. For other uses, simply do a check inline for ATL statements,
    ## or a ConditionSwitch for shaky images.
    def shake():
        if persistent.screenshake:
            # renpy.with_statement(hpunch)
            ## Uncomment the one above if you prefer the default screenshake
            ### OPTIONAL: Show a different effect if screenshake is turned off.
### Custom Screen Shake Effect by BáiYù
        import math
        class Shaker(object):
            anchors = {
                'top' : 0.0,
                'center' : 0.5,
                'bottom' : 1.0,
                'left' : 0.0,
                'right' : 1.0,
            def __init__(self, start, child, dist):
                if start is None:
                    start = child.get_placement()
                self.start = [ self.anchors.get(i, i) for i in start ]  # central position
                self.dist = dist    # maximum distance, in pixels, from the starting point
                self.child = child
            def __call__(self, t, sizes):
                # Float to integer... turns floating point numbers to
                # integers.
                def fti(x, r):
                    if x is None:
                        x = 0
                    if isinstance(x, float):
                        return int(x * r)
                        return x
                xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor = [ fti(a, b) for a, b in zip(self.start, sizes) ]
                xpos = xpos - xanchor
                ypos = ypos - yanchor
                nx = xpos + (1.0-t) * self.dist * (renpy.random.random()*2-1)
                ny = ypos + (1.0-t) * self.dist * (renpy.random.random()*2-1)
                return (int(nx), int(ny), 0, 0)
        def _Shake(start, time, child=None, dist=100.0, **properties):
            move = Shaker(start, child, dist=dist)
            return renpy.display.layout.Motion(move,
        Shake = renpy.curry(_Shake)
    $ small_shake = Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 1.0, dist=10)
    $ short_shake = Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 1.5, dist=15)
    $ med_shake = Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 2, dist=20)
    $ long_shake = Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 2.5, dist=25)

To utilize the other strengths, please copy the base def shake(): definition and rename it appropriately. Additionally, the default persistent.screenshake variable is located at the top of accessibility.rpy.

Let us know if you have any other questions or encounter any other issues.

I'm using v2.6 of the template, but I've tried everything you said, and it all worked!

Thank you very much for the help!