Thank you :) As for suggestions for your improvements, there is a lot of simple stuff you can do to get some quick wins, like put a cinemachine follow-camera on your protagonist and make the room/level much longer/wider so you can move through it. You could just have a starting point on the one side and a door to the next 'level' on the other side. Work your way through the different floors/levels to get to the boss on the top floor office :D. All the door would do is load the next scene on a trigger collider, and you could pretty much copy-paste Level 1 to create the next levels, change the furniture around and the spawn points of enemies and there you go. This is what I did with my game where I pretty much just copied the scene, added trees, moved platforms around etc but all the mechanics essentially stayed the same. You've pretty much got your mechanics here so this will be easy for you to do if you want I reckon. Thanks for playing my game and for your feedback - I really appreciate that :)