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(1 edit)

Hm, it sounds like there’s a bug with the inventory contents sometimes not being tracked or updated correctly, someone else had a similar bug where the clown nose quest couldn’t be completed…

Something evidently is also up with screen sizes or resolutions and the UI @_@

 I’ll take a look at both of these, thanks for the reports! They’re super helpful!

With apologies for the bugs you encountered, thanks for playing!


I think that their problem with the clown nose quest is not seeing the dialogue options because giving the nose is not the default option. I had that problem too at first when I didn't play on fullscreen mode.

Oh, that’s a really good theory. I’ll change up the order of those dialogue options.

Even after the UI cropping is fixed, it’ll still be more ergonomic to have the choice that completes the quest on top.

Ahh actually thought about it and realized what happened with the explosive not getting used up.

Not a bug exactly, but a strong indication that two ~similar mechanics~ need audio and/or visual cues to distinguish them if someone opens a door that they can’t see yet >.>