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(2 edits)

Code: Evolved / White Wolf differences


Code: Evolved is officially 2 months in development. The game is starting to get the shape and now is time to announce the differences between this and White Wolf game.

Bigger world to explore. Even though Code: Evolved have 4 stages less than White Wolf, stages will be much, much bigger. They are so large that I needed to include map function.

Getting stronger: In White Wolf, you could find different talismans that will increase your strength, Hp … That is longer not the case. Now you will get EXP points by killing enemies, and with EXP you can unlock new powers and increase status (directly into inventory). Don't worry though. There will be much more things to find into stages itself :)

A new race of enemies / characters. There are 3 types of enemies in White Wolf: Semidori, Midori, and Chimeras. Code: Evolved will introduce new races like Dreamwalkers and Eradicators (Mecha Semidories). Also, the player will be able to control Owl Semidori in few segments of the story.

Animated intros: This time story will be told in small animated cut scenes in few places through the game.

2 languages are added: English and Serbian

Besides all that there are of course few minor changes like dying no longer leads to the title screen, You can attack down even if your Hp is not full, Joystick mapping, more save slots …

I'm working hard to release 3 stage demo by the end of the year. In the mean time try out White Wolf game and see you all with more news soon :)


Code: Evolved je zvanicno 2 meseca u izradi. Igra je konacno pocela da poprima oblik i vreme je da nabrojim razlike izmedju ove i White Wolf igre.

Veci svet za istrazivanje. Iako Code: Evolved ima 4 kruga manje od White Wolf, krugovi ce biti mnogo veci. Zbog same velicine krugova morao sam da uvedem i sistem sa mapama.

Jacanje: U White Wolf igrici mogli ste naci razne talismane po krugovima koji su vam povecavali snagu, Hp …. To vise nije slucaj. Sada cete ubijanjem neprijatelja dobijati EXP poene koje mozete iskoristiti u inventar za otkljucavanje novih moci i jacanje raznih statusa. Ne brinite, bice jos mnogo predmeta za nalazenje u samim krugovima :)

Nove rase likova / neprijatelja. U White Wolf igri postojale su 3 rase: Semidori, Midori i Himere. U Code: Evolved uvedene su nove rase poput Dreamwalkera i Eradikatora (Mecha Semidori). Takodje igrac ce moci da igra sa Owl Semidoriem na par mesta tokom igre.

Animirani introi: Ovoga puta prica ce biti ispricana pomocu par animiranih introa koji ce se naci na nekoliko mesta u igri.

Uvedena su 2 jezika: Engleski i Srpski

Pored ovoga poboljsao sam jos par manjih stvari kao sto su: Game Over ekran vas vise ne izbacuje na pocetak igre, pijenje krvi iz flase ne ometa napadanje protivnika, uvedeno je dzojstik mapiranje dugmica, umesto jednog postoje 5 save slota …

Radim sto vise mogu da bih otpremio demo sa 3 kruga do kraja godine. U medjuvremenu probajte White Wolf igricu i vidimo se uskoro sa novim vestima :)