Title Screen: This is such a serene track- I love it. The piano chords sit very nicely over the ethereal swells and bass pedal. The colors in the chord extensions are gorgeous and I’m glad you add space between each chord to allow us to enjoy and appreciate each one.
Final Boss: The three tiers to this boss battle are very well-crafted. The low pounding of the piano in the first phase has energy, but does still feel like a first phase with the single instrument and the accelerations and decelerations make it feel like you are just warming up. The second phase with the brass and flute over the strings sounds so epic! The piano now sounds more frantic which lends itself to the second tier of the battle. The third phase has a drive to it and seems the most chaotic even though it isn’t the loudest. This makes me imagine a final boss whose true form isn’t revealed until now but he has been critically weakened. This is a cool submission, thank you for sharing!