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A member registered Dec 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey everyone!

I'm full time concert music composer and performer, but  had done a film scoring class in the past as well.

I have composed so far on some short films and animations and projection mappings, but always wanted to compose for video games!  I am more specialised in instrumental music(being classical music person) but can do basic sound design and do other genres as well.

Here are some music exemples:

The one would go well with Horror style:

Other genres if you're interested:

OST composing jam entries:

Some demos(yt playlist):

Also, if you're still interested 😅, I post almost every day a short music on my secondary youtube channel, less "serious" though. As I do it as an exercise to compose fast in 1hr or so.

Please feel free to ask me if you are interested and need any more informations or demo!

Discord: mh.p.

(1 edit)

Hey everyone!

I'm full time concert music composer and performer, but  had done a film scoring class in the past as well.

I have composed so far on some short films and animations and projection mappings, but always wanted to compose for video games! 
I am more specialised in instrumental music(being classical music person) but can do basic sound design and do other genres as well.

Here are some music exemples:

OST composing jam entries:

short animations available in public:

Some demos(yt playlist):

Also, if you're still interested 😅, I post almost every day a short music on my secondary youtube channel, less "serious" though. As I do it as an exercise to compose fast in 1hr or so.

Please feel free to ask me if you are interested and need any more informations or demo!

Discord: mh.p.

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you  liked it XD

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm humbled that you felt the tension management, which I wasn't necessarily expecting! Glad you noticed that chord with the violin as well XD tbh on that chord the violin VST really helped by hitting the note with an expressive portato(which kinda happens randomly). Thank you for listening and for your feedback!!

I usually don't have a particular connection with chip tune style, but I really enjoyed the 2 first tracks, I think it was a superb choice not staying exclusive to chip tune esthetic. I'm impressed how it maintains the main 8 bit-ish aspect while adding so much expression and a freshness in soundscape!!
It also does a natural transition to Wishful Dreaming, staying coherent although chip tune sound is not present anymore. And it returns in the last track but I hear it like the dynamics between (acoustic)instrument and chip tune are reversed, 8 bit drum and accompanying motifs remaining in the 2nd layer to the main instrumental music. It's such a well constructed soundtrack, I enjoyed it so much. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

I was completely immersed from the very 1st second of Sea of Dreams, no exaggeration. The way you introduced the 1st chord with synth has such a poetic and dreamy atmosphere, and the marimba motifs with an expessive playing are just perfect! Then, I felt a bit more of movement in Restless Trance, while staying completely coherent with the 1st track. I'm really convinced by it's gameplay aspect. Great job!!!!

Nice work! Great to hear how you could fit the music only using mostly piano trio into video game music while accompanying the evolving story. My favorite is the 3rd track, thank you for sharing!

I absolutely love Blake & Silvy, such a great job illustrating the first discoveries of life with pizz and percussions. Such a great orchestration as well, and I like the intriguing harmonisation at the end of I want a motorbike as well. and such a beautiful atmosphere for Sloth of the lost Souls(my favorite!) and I see it in the distance. I really enjoyed listening it. thank you for sharing!!

I am really impressed how you managed to illustrate musically your story with such a high fidelity!! I could really imagine the game happening in front my eyes while listening to your soundtrack, bravo! 

Great choices in orchestrations and complementing with synths, props to nailing this combination perfectly!!! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing submission, I really enjoyed it a lot!!

Thank you for your detailed feedback! Indeed I wanted to give some space between each chords to avoid any saturation, and trying different timing to make it sound natural eventually took me to the unplanned 7/4 signature and 9/4 at the looping point.

For the piano solo part by it's nature, it was most important to make it sound natural like an actual human playing instead of all notes sounding the same in terms of timing and velocity. So instead of fiddling with bunch of automations(as it would take a horrible amount of time and frustration) I just played it freely without click, and then did small tweaks. but then, with the orchestra It had to be quantized which I think made it sound more dynamic rather than expressive.  

For the 3rd section, I decided to step back in dynamics trying to render the act of battling into a something more choreographic like a dance. Anecdotally, i was also thinking in an actual gameplay, having the music blasting full on for the whole battle would cumulate fatigue and end up irritating the player ˆˆ;

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed and we agree to this approach of the final boss music. Although I would defend my choice on the epic character of the boss fight track, it is still interesting to have diverse opinions to remind myself how something which seemed evident for me would not be convincing to others. 

I'm looking forward to discover how the music will be in FF16!(although tbh i was kinda underwhelmed by 15's music..)

Terrific job combining the theme and the genre of the rhythm game!! It's so refreshing to see this unexpected combination. I also love how your story develops creatively, covering many different atmospheres. congrats for this huge amount of work!

When it comes to the repetitive nature as some others said, I think it can still depend on the type of the rhythm game. While it would be a bit too repetitive indeed for games in competitive nature(like bemani series), something with a more emphasis on the story telling(like rhythm doctor?) could work in my opinion. You could even use the repetitions to your advantage, developing the story so the player don't have to be uber concentrated on the gameplay all the time while missing what's happening. And your story deserve that attention!

Thank you for your feedback!

Indeed I didn't intended anything scary or creepy for boss fight music, as it's designed for a JRPG genre with a heavy emphasis on the fantasy side which for me is represented to the audience under a theatrical interpretation(with a certain distance) rather than a 'simulational' sound design. 

I would however totally do, in this same soundtrack, another boss fight music with those scary musics for a boss or area mainly focused on the horror genre as a sub chapter.
But I have decided that, for the final boss of the whole game, epic style music would suit better to culminate the drama after a journey of long hours of gameplay. Hope this makes sense!

OMG thank you so much for your kind feedback !! I'm humbled and it really motivates me to continue making music! I'm so glad you liked the style, as i had a feeling like this could be seen as somewhat less popular in 2022(references being mostly situated between 90s and early 2010s). Thank you again!!

What a lovely intro in Wish Upon A Star ! it really sets the vibe to the game in a gentle way.
The "thème d'accord"' in Contemplate personally gave me a hint of Debussy, an ooh moment XD 
Lovely progression by 3rd in Soaring In Purple Skies, which illustrates perfectly the flying(nice touch with the gliss at the end!)
And then a pleasant surprise of the drum track in The Magic Music Box, it brings some diversity to the soundtrack while staying completely coherent.
Nice transition for Dor, which sounds like a nice recapitulation of the game with a very satisfactory ending. 

I can really see the attention you brought in the orchestration and the construction of the soundtrack, great job!!

Thank you! I'm glad the epic track went convincing to you :) 

Thank you! I'm glad the boss music went well, it wasn't my usual style of compositionˆˆ; Also releaved that the mixing was ok!

I absolutely love the sound design in your tracks!!!!! very poetic and dreamy, which combines so well with the piano not overcharged in notes. I don't know why, but the last section of daylight really touched me emotionally. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you! Glad you could feel the same reference XD 

Props to keeping on piano solo! I was going to do the same in the beginning, but i just ended up adding other thingsˆˆ; Very beautiful music, I love how you didn't overlook the interpretation aspect with the rubatos, especially even more important for solo pieces like this. 

Nice arrangement of let me row! Interesting choice to switch in 3/4 in the middle, it adds a mobility and avoids monotony. I also like conjoint bass line in For a last time, really suits well to the last dialogue of the game. Good job!

I really like the vibe of the Set Sailing really matching the vibe you're describing. I think the choir kinda suggests gently what will happen later in the game. Very nice sound design in Endless Horizon, while keeping the sailing ternary rythme.  Sick atmosphere in Gaze Upon Madness! Surprising to see violin again in Let It Pass, as it reminds the sailing from the 1st track, combined with the soundscape of Madness. Then, Beyond Comprehension arrives in a very coherent way although i couldn't hear any trace from the 1st track. This is such a good way to develop the story(and you went far!) by music. Great job!

Nice cute soundtrack! I like the water sound present on the 4 tracks, it enforces the consistency of the tracks. keep up the good work!

Interesting soundtrack! I like how you didn't overload orchestration yet kept the music interesting.

I think brass staccato in Listed don't do justice to your composition due to the vst's delay and unnatural sound. I actually like the idea, and if it's actually played&recorded i'm sure it'll sound great!(In that case, you may think about the non-playability of the brass staccato while fading out. I'm not a brass player but unless treated in post production the playing itself that way doesn't seem realistic)

Workshop is my favorite track, I really like the sound palette you used there!

Thank you so much! XD

Wow, what a remarkable soundtrack!!! I really like how the percussions make the music more lively in an elegant way avoiding any heaviness.  I also love how short motifs are navigating between different instruments, renewing it's presentation each time.

Props to the orchestration as well! I personally didn't had the courage&time to invest this time, but I do understand how much of work it represents.

Thank you for sharing, great work!!

I really like the nostalgic sound of your tracks. especially, the whistling in The adventure awaits is such a pleasant surprise I didn't expected.
I also like how metallophones softens the pop-ish sound of the guitar. The waltz of  Forest of the witch really is a nice balance between tentional and innocent aspect as well.
Great job!

What a good surprise! I love the bold choice of the different approach on the theme, and the track definitely rocks perfectly produced!!
Although I'm not an usual metal listener I surely enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for sharing!!

what a cozy and chill track! (I thought the whatsapp chime was coming from mine lol)
I enjoyed listening to it, good job!

Nice work making interesting music with a limited sound palette of 8 bits.  I really like that crash sound which really illustrates the crashing waves. Very solid melodies and effective harmonies. Good job!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked those chord progression and the orchestration as well! I wish I could spend more time on it to refine the orchestration and mixing further though. Thank you for listening!!

I love how diverse each level sounds! especially the beeping sounds at the end of Her wish really adds so much intensity in a very effective way, what a great idea! Great job!

I can really see old school rpg game with this soundtrack! You say clichés but i hear it as a portrait of the era really well illustrated. Very solid melody and harmonies, congrats!!!

top notch production !!!!!! omg what a great soundtrack!!!

What a creative soundtrack! I absolutely love the genre you took in the first tracks, the style is really well illustrated with really solid melodies!!!
I also love how you shift the genre to more sci-fi from the middle while keeping the melodic motiv from Deck dance in hyperspeed voyage. it really enforces the consistency in a very different genre.

I would definitely love to play a game with a soundtrack like this, Great job!

I really like the general vibe which reminds me of Celeste, probably due to the synth I guess?

Very catchy 3rds in the will of the wind, the track describes the thunderstorm in a elegant way while avoiding overdoing. I like how the low-fi beat still holds the track in a chilled way.
I also like how you summerize Starfall in the sky at the end with arpegiated chords, really classy and hip.
Nice ostinato on Final horizon, always with the nicely fitting drum track. And some nice cozy chords at the end of goodbye to new home.

I could really imagine the game with your soundtrack, great job! 

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad the epic character convinced you, as it really is not my usual style of composing(this one should be the 2nd or 3rd one ever ˆˆ;). 

Thank you! I'm glad the 1st track convinced you. I'm quite familiar with that particular atmosphere, but i wasn't always sure if it would be something as appealing to others. Boss fight is the 1st dynamic piece i've ever made for the jam xD

Thank you so much! I had to rush on the orchestration and mixing due to the very short timing, but I'm so relieved it didn't sound weird or empthy :)

Thank you! I don't remember any of the music from FF6 tbh, but i'll definitely give a listen(I had rather 12/13 in mind).

I kinda miss this kind of cosmic horror-ish final bosses, unless I'm missing out on recent games. I feel like you could find thoses bosses more in the games in the 2000s or so. Hopefully the trend will come back!