As I am contractually obligated to play any and all strip-games, this was an unexpected find. The artwork looks pretty nice, and the writing is ok for what is a short little mini-game.
The framing of the game has it make sense only the Nun is undressing, but it also makes the game a bit monotonous. There's not much else to do but swapping cards until you get enough points to move onto the next bit. While I understand this is fairly common, since there's no real interaction between the Nun and the Merchant, it does feel kind of bland after the little set-up.
I'd say its also the issue with a 'money'-based strip game, since it can make the game drag out pretty long when I think the focus should be on the stripping. The banter between the player and the opponent as each undresses and such.
Still for a little mini-game, it seems solid enough. The 'Skill' is pretty useful as well...