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Very cool music and visuals! I finished it and overall it was a pretty neat little game! Just some feedback on some things that felt a bit off and haven't been mentioned yet:

  • You can just spam shoot and generate a lot of charged shots very quickly! Felt like he would click his fingers multiple times for one "beat", so a limiter here of one timed shot per beat is needed.
  • The jump was a bit frustrating at times, especially when sprinting I felt like it wouldn't register my input. I would probably look up "coyote time" and consider adding some to your jump!
  • I was super confused what the "wall walking" portals were, the first time I walked into one I just assumed my game had totally glitched out hahah. They were also a bit hard to see at times, I spent a while looking around for the last one.
  • Having the bullet/ammo only consumed on a miss was pretty confusing for me, as it is pretty counter intuitive to how a projectile weapon works. Also as you also already have a "miss-timed shot" negative balancer of not generating the blue bullet charge shots, it felt a bit superfluous. But if you really wanted to keep it, maybe need to dress it up a bit differently than with literal bullets/ammo (high/low energy shots etc).
  • Some feedback for when you get a "charge shot" would be great!

Sorry for the dump, I liked it a lot so wanted to outline my issues properly for you. If you were aware of all of these then all good. I wish you the best if you want to take this further! :)


Hey! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. We do plan to expand on the concept so this is immensely helpful! I especially like the suggestion of a limiter for each beat.