I had fiddled a bit with this one when the entry came out, but wanted to take my time to review it properly when I wasn't in the middle of the festivities. Even though it is just a demo, there is enough set to have a good feel of what is to come (some space shenanigans in the ship, some sad feelings with commentary on obsolescence). The descriptions of what happened mingled with what the player is seeing is very lovely. There's some sadness and horror from the concept of obsolescence (of a planet no less).
The visual really gives out the vibe of old system ready to break down and losing support with the blocky-ness of the buttons and of the shadows (the Windows 95 vibe). I really liked the animated change of the font/colour in the settings!
Some minor notes:
- the title/image in the main page is a bit too small (both on large and small screens)
- the prompt to save is a tad annoying
- the blue colour of the title pop-up blends a bit too much with the background
- and the lists in the credit page is just one line (prob has to do with some JavaScript nobr code...).
Really looking forward to the rest of the story!