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Has Stencilbits gave you a gold star for winning the brown nose contest?


And what gold star is that, if you don't mind sharing with the class.

I see fact and fiction, mostly just fiction here.  It was explained to you guys in the past, but you all keep playing along like you don't have any idea. It's really not that hard to figure out.


You have no facts.  You are just regurgitating fake news from your troll hero Stencilbits.  You both have spewed out so many falsehoods that it is impossible to even address all of them.


I have common sense and I'm hoping to impart it on others so they don't waste their time on this nonsense.


Hahaha 🤣🤣 then why are you here supporting this shit? When you know this pure garbage and nothing else, why would you support with even tiniest brain cell you eber had, cannot tell that this is just useless to wait for dev to ever update it, but still like a shit loser you are supporting and protecting this dev shit ass like a good whore that you are.