Wow, thank you for all the feedback!!! Sorry you had trouble with the save data, I wonder what happened...? Were you playing the browser version? I don't think I've had a problem with that before. I'll look into it a bit though
I honestly wasn't going for metroidvania, but I'm glad it kinda felt like one! I enjoy the genre quite a bit
That's a good idea with the first boss, it is a little annoying to wait so long for the right attack in order to damage him
I'm glad you liked the rest of the bosses! I had fun making them!
Thanks for reporting that bug! I'll fix it right away. I know what's causing it, I just forgot to account for the case when the player is returning from the boss battle.
And I knew about the bug with the station, I just forgot to fix it! Thanks for reminding me lol.
Yeah, I wanted to make the airship level easier to traverse on the way back. And I feel like it would make some later-game platforming a little difficult if the player always had the tetsip-style rocket. That was my reasoning anyway
Thanks for the tip on the free the spirits part! I realize it's hard to avoid getting hit sometimes, so I agree that it would be appropriate to have way more onigiri pickups there. (Not sure what I was thinking, to make them so infrequent)
Thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you liked it! And all feedback is appreciated, no worries that it was long! (And if you have anything else, feel free to mention it)