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Title Theme: The ocean ambience is a great backing for this track. This is a very memorable theme that I am glad comes back in later tracks.

One Final Wish: The piano arpeggios feels both spacey as well as reminiscent of the ocean waves. The choir feels heavenly as if the stars are listening and responding to Elle. The break feels very cinematic and then the final piano melody feels very soft and beautiful, but also frail. Interesting choice ending on the dissonant interval- almost as if the wish has not quite yet been granted.

A Grove Less Traveled: This would be a really fun area to explore. Your unique harmonies remind me of various areas in Tales of Symphonia. With this piece, for me, you capture a sense of sorrow, curiosity, and mystery. (I read your description after I wrote this – so nice job!)

Timelost Cavern: The jazzy influence for both of these area themes is apparent and adds a lot to the film noire type of vibe I’m getting in the emotions being portrayed. If you ever do finish this soundtrack, I would love to hear the conclusion of this interesting story! Great work and thank you for sharing!

Thank you for the detailed feedback!