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hey are u going to update this game?


I think the game is sadly abandoned.


There hasn't been an update since 2020.  I think it's safe to say it isn't happening.

damn what a shame


Sir-Dammed is still looking for a good 3D-artist and after this, the game can be continued


Whether or not he does or don't, doesn't really matter to me.  I've no interest in this anymore or anything made by this dev.  Assuming he even does, I'm not going to pick it back up so it can be tossed aside at a later date for another game that he wants to start.

Plenty of other games out there by devs that are actually motivated to finish a project.

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Eventually, but I've gone into some detail about why it will be a little while.

Polarity is a huge passion of mine and I want nothing more than to see it to its end. It makes me very happy to know you guys enjoyed it so much!


its been 3 years. I dont think anyone believes "a little while" any longer. frankly it probably would have been better to just be honest with everyone a long time ago.

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I have been honest, and I've very openly stated numerous times that the game's development is on an "indefinite" hold while we focus on Radiant. I know this sucks, and I do feel quite guilty about it: it's a bad feeling to know that I've let so many people who enjoyed Polarity down. I love hearing feedback from you guys, and knowing that my games brought some joy/respite to others is important to me. When I achieve the opposite and instead disappoint players, this isn't a good feeling.

I will finish Polarity when I'm able, but as I've said quite a few times, it's going to be a while and players shouldn't wait around for it, as this will just lead to disappointment (which I don't want: I just want to provide fun games for everyone and add some fun/respite to the world through my creative endeavors). 

Something a lot of you guys may not know is that Radiant actually saved my life:

Unlike Polarity, Radiant is not a "free" game... and when I released it, I was less than a week away from being evicted from my home due to enormous debt and financial struggle, primarily because I had to spend all my savings on funerals for two immediate family members. We were very fortunate in the fact that Radiant blew up: it is not only the reason that I didn't end up homeless on the street, but it also is the reason I can now do something that I love for a living.

Anyways, steering back on topic: I love Polarity: I want nothing more than to finish it, and when I'm able I absolutely will. That being said, now that game development has become my job, I really have no choice but to spend my time developing the game that is most popular with players, as I rely on the income. The moment I'm in a comfortable enough spot/and have the time, I will push more updates for this, even if it means hiring an artist who works with Polarity's graphics engine (which btw I've already attempted, but it hasn't panned out). In the meantime, I'm very sorry for the wait and I love you guys/appreciate all the kind words and support.


I'd personally love to see the game finished, even if there's been a massive gap. I honestly, also don't mind if the visuals don't come out with the story. The story is what currently has me hooked the most. I'm dying to know what happened at the end of chapter 4. It's a cliff-hanger I'd like to see answered.