Brilliant! Explendid! Incredible! Perfect! You made it! Your soundtrack is my favorite in the entire Jam! The adventure feeling, ALL of the songs, don't know if that was on purpose, but most of them gave me a mix of Celeste, Kingdom Hearts and Pirates of The Caribbean vibes! Unfortunately, unlike as you did on mine, I don't have the same time and talent to make an in-depth analysis of every track, but you can be certain that every single them made me feel, like a lot, and I'm very pleased to hear this.
And knowing that you have complete knowledge of musical theory (like modulation, modes like lydian and mixolydian and use of instruments) put a very large smile on my face, as well as I am finishing musical theory that I practice and learn since 2015, not saying that not knowing musical theory is bad, but when you know it, you can handle and nail basically ANYTHING. Congratulations, you dropped the crown, king!