Thanks! Honestly I didn't get to execute much of my idea at all because of how severely I underestimated it >< I wanted to have at least a couple of the 9 circles of hell, with different enemies, different player attack abilities and metroidvania elements. It sounds crazy now that I look back on it. I have a rig in Blender that takes 8-directional sprite pictures to mimic Doom sprite rendering, on lowest sample size to increase pixelation etc.. Same for the hand animations, there's actually a bunch of them that are just unused.
Aside from that, the WebGL export is half broken, the fog doesn't look that bad on desktop builds nor do enemies practically instakill you on desktop. But as it was made for secret santa and already a week overdue, there really was no point to keep stretching work on the game if it wasn't totally broken.
Thanks for checking out the game :) I didn't make it public for the sole reason I'm not proud enough of it.