Hi. I have this game on Steam. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, then I started new save games. I'm having problems with the end of Ferdinand's route. It gets to the point he says "see you later", but then it won't progress past the radio conversation with Denis and Nat. I'm trying to be vague, so if you need more details let me know. Once it gets to a certain point it begins running through the lines again.
This happened before the patch on Bernard's route for me too. I don't know if I skipped to many scenes trying to get my art stats up or if I tried to push it too late in the game. I also ran into the bug with Bernard's route where it stopped on the 24th and wouldn't let me choose anything at all (this was prior to the patch).
I can test run things again if that's helpful. I tried to follow the guide, but I'm having trouble meeting the art stat requirement (for the exhibitions) and getting the time for all the scenes.
Thank you for your time. I really do like your game.
After testing Bernard's route again, I was able to get it to work. Still having trouble with Ferdinand.