Won't work in Linux. Unknown file type. The file "SpaceCorpsXXXv2.3.2" has no known programs associated with it. Use the Open With dialog to pick a program to open it with.
Another user commented "Had to make a couple of files for Linux (the *.sh in the main folder and the files in the Linux-sub-folder) executable before it worked properly.", but I have no idea how to do this.
Guess I'll be deleting and forgetting about this game. Oh well.
In pretty much any file manager on Linux you can right-click the file, select Properties, choose the Permissions tab, then click a checkbox to make it executable, or you can use the chmod command in a terminal; sudo chmod ugo+x /path/to/game/SpaceCorpsXXXv2.x.y.sh (Exchange with correct path to the game, and the correct numbers.) This makes the file executable for the current user, the current user's groups, and all other users.