Title Theme: You have a good sense of having the music push and pull, keeping it in constant motion so it doesn’t feel stagnant. The low piano chords give a sense of solemnity and darkness. Having this as your title theme sets the stage for the tragedy that this story is.
Loading: I think your use of harp is a very calm accompaniment instrument that both supports the flute melody, but also allows the player to take a step back while the game loads.
Player Creation: The viola melody is sweet and longing. This is a really beautiful track.
Hub: This hub sounds rather dark, but if you are a group of mice looking for adventure, the world is probably a pretty dark and scary place! The piano melody is pretty, at the same time maybe could stand to be a little softer?
Hub (Night): The longer bows instead of the fast decaying piano notes feels a little more floaty which works well for a night theme. I think it was an interesting choice to double the melody in both the high and low harp, I wonder what it might sound like with only the high harp playing the melody?
Area 1: The oboe melody and the underlying chords have a contemplative quality that I really like. This is my favorite of all your tracks so far.
Area 1 (Night): Strings and flute are just as calming and contemplative as the day version, and the floatiness from the strings does a good job distinguishing this as the night version.
Enemy: I think this is your best written motif. The addition of the percussion instruments adds some energy to the music which works well for when an enemy approaches.
Enemy (Night): The more subtle version of an enemy approaching makes me think that maybe the enemies are more sly at nighttime.
Level Up: The upward harmonies help convey the sense of achievement and use of the bVI-bVII-I chord progression right at the beginning is the classic video game way of doing this.
Boss 1: Way to take the enemy theme and charge up the intensity with the voices to give a familiar yet new take on this more epic battle theme.
Defeat: This reimagination of the level up theme works really well for the victory theme (though based on your story, I wonder if it’s actually supposed to feel this triumphant?). Good use of French horn to provide heroic sounds.
End: The voices sound really epic in this one! This track has a very cinematic quality to it that would pair very nicely with your story and convey a lot of emotions when hearing and seeing them on the screen.
Game Over: Good job with the leitmotif work here and making it sound more somber and final. Overall, this is a lot of music, especially for your first time doing this sort of thing! Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing!