Multiplayer Browser Based Orblike? Could be Fun, depending on how you do your Multiplayer. If its Coop-story, Coop dungeon Crawl, or something else.
After exiting Options for the first Time, the Buttons had no Text for some while. You also really need a Background for the Main Menu I think.
It feels like the Cursor changes too slowly when hovering over NPCs, but maybe thats just because of the big Hitboxes on them or something. Changing movement direction lags. It requires me to walk fully onto the next Tile before applying it I assume. Diagonal movement is faster then Horizontal/Vertical one. To the Point where its faster to move downwards in Zig-Zag then straight. If it wasn't for the Lag on the movement commands making it nearly impossible to do.
I'm hoping your Items like kindling Sword of something are randomly generated. Nice that it changes Visuals on the Equipment. Not nice that it only does so on a few Frames. Also nice Voicelines. Don't sound intense enough tho I think. If that makes Sense for not being able to equip a Sword on your Head or something.
You only cast Spells after having completey your entire movement Command? Together with Melee feeling unresponsive, and sometimes hitting Enemies you didn't target, but that were in front of you, and the unresponsive tile-locked movement, it feels pretty laggy and bad to Play at this Point.
On the Tilesize, it seems your Tiles are around 2mx2m big, assuming the Player is roughly 1.8-2m high aswell. This means if I click somewhere close I don't move at all, but if I click ~1m away, which is the size of one of your visual Flowerfields or one of the Cliff edges i.e. it immediately moves me 2m far over. I'd expect a 1mx1m size on this.
The visible Map should also be the entirety of the Screen, not with such a big black Border around it.
And if you want to have Fog of War in Caves, either make it only hide Enemies, or at least have the Terrain you already explored be visible as a greyed out or darker version or something.
Magic Shield looks nice tho.