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(3 edits)

Hello again

I own the 5.07 version of 32SE and a few days ago I purchased the newer 6.69 version. The issue I am having with the 6.69 version and I had similar issues in the past (except with version 5.07) is the following: everything goes fine with the installation and it loads perfectly and runs smoothly but refuses to save any extra apps or tools I add or changes in SS or US and ultimately it becomes useless because I can’t customise it at all. You copy files with Dopus or edit something with text edit and save it and then when you reboot nothing is there from what you did. Also I noticed that the HDD led is working/flashing every half a second or so even though the Amiga is idle. There is either a huge delay in writing data on the HD or it doesn’t write at all. It is worth mentioning that these things are happening only after installing the second zip file which adds all the extra stuff and it doesn’t happen if you stop at the first zip file and run the Lite version. Strangely enough those things don’t happen in the only full version I run which is the 5.07

Also it is worth mentioning that this behaviour happens even when I load the same HD to WinUAE and run it from there. 

My system is a vampire V1200 with roadshow. I run on it super stable and smooth all kind of different installations from 3.1 to to 3.2.1 to Amikit XE to ClassicWB to Coffin and also all your Lite versions. I use pfs3 19.2 in all my installations and the same HD (CF cards) with no problems whatsoever. Also if I format the same HD that your Full version 6.69 is, and then install any other Amiga OS distro, it just works fine with no issues at all. 

I am the same guy that we spoke yesterday about the QDock issue. I attach a photo of the only full version that runs fine here.

I'll check!

New version uploaded, it leaves your CF in rest ;) it is a common problem with CF that it tries not to write right away and buffer it to save writing cycles that will kill the CF at some point, try new version and see if it works better ;)

Hi again

Thanks a lot for the quick action. Will try it right away and let you know

Hello again. The new version 6.70 indeed fixes the problem and I can now customise further the system. Saves fine and HD led flashes only when the disk is actually working. Thanks a lot. I am investigating further and let you know if something else needs fine tuning!! 

Cool ;) go and grab QDock 1.51 as well !!!