Mouse didn't appear immediately on Dialogue Opening, but might be thanks to me tabbing out. Font is quite hard to read, took reading longer to figure out interacting symbol was an E not a weird C. Also no Jumping? and Rolling is bound to the same Key as interacting? Seems odd.
Dialogue Partner is completely black, I'm assuming Lighting issues. Also has some weird Alpha Parts of the Material where the Background shines through, did you apply the wrong Material Maybe? Or have it setup wrongly? Why do you have a background Image behind them during Dialogue anyway? I think you said something about that in the Thread, but I forgot.
Rolling should lock into movement direction after you're a bit into the Animation I think. Or at least reduce the turn speed during it drastically. Roll also doesn't move me, if I let go of WASD, I just roll in Place. And I can't roll if I'm not moving initially. Why not use Root motion for it? And whats with your Textbox being set to selectable?
Enemy Corpses still rotate towards you when they are dead but haven't disappear yet. Moving during Combat while having to hold Tab down and wanting to press E to dodge is pretty hard to impossible. Toggle Lockon would be better.
When I received the Flash Drive, I couldn't use the Mouse but had to use Enter for the DIalogue to close. And when I 'died' I realized the Cross doesn't do anything. I kind of was expecting the Health HUD to the be Sphere and the Cross, not just the Sphere itself.
Map is clearly a Placeholder I assume, and obviously a lot of Stuff is missing. I like the Visuals of the Assets that are there so far however, the UI is nice but a bit static as of yet. I don't like the general Character controls. Movement is alright obviously, but rolling should move on itself not on WASD, Jumping should be there, Lock-On should be toggle, manual reloading should be possible.
Could have potential, but needs a bit of work on fixing up the core Stuff first I think.