Huh, an interesting little card game. Simple set-up, but it works. While it's a nitpick kind of thing, the gameplay doesn't really line up with the story given - or at least, it seems like she wants to reward the protagonist anyway, but what the card game symbolizes... but that's just a nitpick of mine. Thought perhaps the girl would do things to the player, and energy would then fit as a kind of endurance thing to not cum to it.
Thanks! 😊 It is possible that I might have missed the mark with conveying the idea connecting the plot and the gameplay. Overall assumption was indeed that she wants the protagonist to be rewarded and the gameplay loop was to have the protagonist do a foreplay - if successful = reward; if not… try again 🤣
I hope that gives a bit of context; I know it should not be needed… I will think of rewriting the story to fit better.
Thanks again for the feedback - appreciate it !