- The screenshake is a bit excessive.
- Make the options menu accessible from the main menu.
- Why does the resolution default to 1600x900?
- Pressing Esc in the options menu unpauses the game instead of just going back to the pause menu.
- Z/X should confirm/go back in menus.
- I don't know about the huge knockback from explosions. I feels wrong to get knocked back by an exploding enemy without taking damage, and it can be a bit disorientating.
- Explosions should only do damage/cause knockback for one frame. Lingering hitboxes are bad.
- Firing the laser muffles all sound effects until you turn the sound effect volume all the way down and then turn it up again.
- I don't like the delay before crates open.
- Upon further testing, the knockback is just terrible.
- Maybe it's just muscle memory, but I kept getting the buttons for the sub-weapons and the bombs mixed up.
- The bomb sub-weapon is still pretty useless since there are so few enemies on the ground, and most levels have you moving upwards.
I think you should experiment with larger/more complex enemies. These tiny flying ones can be pretty finicky to hit, and I don't think they'd be all that fun in the long run as the main enemy type.