Mouse allows selection in Menu, but not continuing on Dialogue. I'm assuming its a sort of Scanline-like Shader ontop of the Scene. It doesn't work well with a Pixelsize bigger then it. makes it clear that its all upscaled Art. Music in the Intro is also rather Annoying.
In the How-To book, the Texts shouldn't say Hello everywhere. Either show what the actual Text is, or if it changes, some unreadable Lines etc. can work well. Text for Ultimate needs to be scrolled, you should shorten that so it fits, its only 1 extra Line after all.
Says the Game can be exclusively controlled via Mouse, but it can't, see Dialogue above.
Music in the Campsite(?) is fine, its rather comfy there, but some of the Graphics feel not very fitting. Like the Chair i.e.
In Combat, you don't need a Skill Button. Just put the Skills right there automatically. And on hovering Skill/AttacK/Wait/etc, it should show the description and damage calculation inthe Info Window on the Left, instead of showing what happened previously. When resting I would also like Tooltips on hovering or something to know what the Stats do again precisely.
Mosca sounds and looks like a Bee, not like an Angel.
It would also be nice to get something after a battle, even if it just display a bit of XP or something.
In the Swamp Enemy healthbars disappeared after a while. Don't know why.
The Healthbars could be lower, the one of Finnegan almost disappears at the Top. Which also has a blue Line across it for some Reason.
Leveling feels way too slow. I only get a single Stat Point per entire Tournament Day.
If there are 4 Enemy Options a scrollbar appears to move everything a tiny amount, even tho its not needed. The entire Game should work scrollbar free I think.
When you Gameover, the Battle music doesn't Stop. You also can reenter the Fight screen, with your Party being place visually on the Field you ended, but logically on a totally other field.
I also never got any Perk Points, even 5 Levels in. But I can click on the Perks, which flashes them with color.
Level 6(?) The one where they talk about escaping over the Border etc. goes of Screen on the Top.
After destroying a Desert Soldier just as they reached the Attack border the Game froze. I'm going to end it here, without Perks or anything I can only see this getting increasingly impossible.