In regard to the most recent beta versions, I will start by saying thank you for returning grass as well as water animations. Also the efficiency text for the thermal generators and certain other buildings are sweet, they should be implemented for all drills and all pumps as well.
Now for my issues:
- The research tree is still poorly ordered. Things that immediately come to mind are:
- Requiring something that has more advanced materials as an unlock requirement to unlock later branches that do not need as advanced materials makes zero sense. (Looking at you, mech tree).
- Placing the launch pad so far back in the tech tree really bites. I had minimal desire to play the recent builds until I unlocked the launch pad in the Beta 64 build. The launch pad removed the limitation on how many resources you could collect, lessened the impact of losing (at least you got something out of it), and allowed for researching upgrades with newly acquired materials without needing to relaunch. Without it I would have given up long ago.
- Thorium is required for a lot of the late-game things. Only one map has Thorium (the final map) which makes its usefulness (and all research related to it) incredibly useless. But the best part is that in order to unlock the final map you need to research the Airblast Drill, which you need Thorium to research. So the only way you can get to the last map to get Thorium is to repeatedly launch on the penultimate map, deconstruct the vault on that level, and use the Thorium you get from that to research the drill. (Unless this was a bug because it carried over my save from the last version - which I REALLY hope it is.)
- You can't repair structures reliably for way too long. The mend projector takes long enough to research, then you need to be able to build it and power it for a laughable repair area that repairs very little over a very long time. The mend projector is useless but all you have until you can get enough (I think it was Plastanium?) to unlock the Delta Mech which THEN lets you unlock the Tau mech to repair things yourself OR you can get drones to repair things all over the map when they need to be repaired instead of setting up a Mend Projector temporarily and tearing it down because it costs too much power, covers too little an area, and is too infrequently needed to be set up permanently.
- On the topic of Plastanium, it's obnoxious to make because of how many cultivators you need to get anywhere near enough oil to make production more than a trickle. Once you finally get the oil extractor it's pretty bearable, though. But the cultivators and presses are also pretty much useless.
- Scatter turrets are useless. Can't do damage to anything, let alone the bombers that tear everything apart.
- Needing to spend resources to uncover a new map in addition to the resources you need to spend to unlock the prerequisite research is incredibly stupid and a major waste of resources. As I said in my last comment, it's just grinding to waste time.
- Customizing loadouts is great and should not require you get to Wave 40 on each map in order to be able to do utilize that feature.
- You cannot remove a resource type from a customized loadout.
- You cannot increment custom loadouts more than 100 at a time.
- You always deploy as default mech.
- No energy-based weapons target air units anymore. Which is especially bad because the Arcs were the only turrets that actually engaged air units immediately after they entered their radius.
- Air units almost always end up flying over the turrets before the turrets actually rotate to face them, making turret usefulness against air units universally pathetic. This is exacerbated by turrets not immediately reacting to an enemy entering their radius as well as them not returning to a more convenient position to engage incoming threats after defeating the current wave.
- Tech tree now hides everything beyond what you can currently unlock, makes aiming for distant goals difficult because you don't know what they are.
- A third tier of regular conveyor and conduit would be nice.
- Details on conduit throughput are needed.
- Being able to specify the input and output direction on the conveyor tunnels would be nice so we could use them like tunnels back in 3.5.
- Inventory merging with containers was swell and I hope to see that return.
- Default shots are hard to see against snow backgrounds.
- Still no details on how each ammo affects the stats of the turrets.