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Nice effects on the logo flipping! It would be cool to see the ball spin. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Sorry I modified my comment because misunderstood yours.

The spin (a sort of) is implemented, if you hit the ball while moving there is a random dx/dy difference.

Try also to keep pressed spacebar while the ball is stuck in the center big logo.

thanks for the comment

Sorry if I was unclear.  I just thought it would be neat to see the C= logo rotating as the ball spins.  

ah, ok, sorry, I was thinking at "spin" as tennis hit with a cutting movement!!

I thought about it, it could be a feature, but I fear that when the big logo animation occurs it could slow down too much the inline sprite rewriting... besides, a user told me that in a real machine the big logo slows already the game, that doesn't occur in Vice... I have to test. 

Thank you for the comment and for the testing