- Graphics and gameplay options overlap when you first open the menu.
- Why does the FoV max out at 90?
- Right clicking should go back in menus.
- Esc doesn't even go back.
- There's no back button on the character select screen.
- Some UI elements on the character select screen are too close to the edge of the screen. Text and borders should never touch the edge of the screen.
- The stat hexagon lists attack speed twice.
- Why does it pause immediately when starting the game?
- The "broadsword" isn't actually a broadsword: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadsword.
- Needs a frame rate limit option.
- Walk speed needs to be a bit faster.
- The sprint effects are excessive.
- Clicking should close hints.
- Tooltips in the inventory should show by just hovering over the items.
- Viewmodel offset should be done based on camera movement, not the direction you're walking.
- Why does tapping Shift dodge when you have Space as a dedicated dodge button?
- Poison does too much damage and too fast. It's basically just a 7-damage attack when other enemies do 1 damage.
- Weapons need to have higher durability. I'm stuck using my fists 90% of the time.
- Enemies need footstep sounds and more distinct sound cues when they're about to attack.
- The stamina bar doesn't add anything to the game the way it works now. It just needlessly slows down the pace and causes the occassional annoyance when you run out.
- Pressing T to open the map while moving is awkward.
- Some enemy hitboxes extend further than their models. Collision should always err in favor of the player.
- Needs a damage indicator to show which direction you're taking damage from.
- Fists shouldn't be in the inventory.
- The snakes keep backing up all the way into corners.
- There's no way to see which level you're on.
- Disable character movement collision for items and debris.
- Braziers should go out when knocked over.
- Got to a level where I needed 3 keys to open the door, but I could only find 2 after searching the entire level and killing every enemy. I found a gray key, but I couldn't use it anywhere.