Cat is cute but follows too close. his head was often inside the player model. The petting motion seems too fast, looks more like how one would pet a dog than a cat.
Why can’t I move while shooting the crossbow? I think the ranged combat would feel better if you could move while shooting but that's just me. I shoot the electric pistol once and it can’t fire again. Intentional? I stand on the curved staircase and shoot the crossbow at the rugman on the square column. He neither takes damage, nor moves to attack me on the stairs.
It would be nice to be have the option to display and hide the cursor especially when trying to aim the crossbow.
Adding a pickup sound to items and shatter sounds to breakables would give them more juice.
Lighting is overall quite nice. Particle effects are pretty nice overall, especially the lightning. But the grenade blast was pretty bland.
Camera zooms into player’s head on certain corner/90 degree angle collisions. a lot of games seem to do this though, so maybe it’s not a problem.
Could not figure out how activate the Teledash, what key is it bound to? Is Airdash just Space+LCtrl? Couldn’t get through the teledash door.
Love the gestation-spawning-flower in the spirit world.
Fell off a platform and fell endlessly with no killbox.
Went back and found the scary looking giant jester. Stepped on platform and I spawned in the frozen world which is clearly not implemented yet. looking forward to the snow level.
Overall a very nicely made considered tech demo and i look forward to seeing where you go from here.