Hey ungodly, I got a question about the game; well before I ask, jfyi I'll be using the comments section here for all my questions related to Ao Oni R, because YouTube was turning into discord/whatsapp because of me asking questions about the game regularly
so here is my query:
I played the game and did what is required to get the Perfect/Rebirth ending but got Azalea instead. Anna, Mika and Takeshi were alive which is what I'm supposed to ensure before casting the sealing spell to make Takuro survive but he didn't, what possibly went wrong? I had perfected the runs as well - the fire and knife duel, InBetween boss without dying or taking damage but still got Azalea instead; is it like Perfect can only be gotten on higher difficulties or without cheats? My difficulty in the gameplay was easy and cheat codes used were HiroshiM and Happy