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A member registered Oct 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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I don't think leaving Takuro to the roaches in the lab has anything to do with it (hopefully). Also did you scoop him up at the end when the inbetween was collapsing by interacting with his body?

Haven't lost interest, just other things and life getting in the way. 

In terms of progress - main game has been looked over a few times with some playthroughs, fixed bugs in some spots and notes were changed, added and rewritten to be more consistent. I've also been designing a few more unlockables and am waiting for my artist to get a move on with some things to spruce it up a little. DLC wise the main systems are made and almost everything is written out I just haven't been satisfied with how stuff came out for the Oni encounters. I did plan to show a gameplay trailer for Halloween or end of the year but that has seemed to fall through from waiting.

If you need to contact a bit more privately then I guess you can contact me at my youtube business email

Also just cranked out a bunch of changes for the future thanks to your feedback, I'll have to go through them again but am up to adjusting stuff after the catacombs again (the annoying part of the story) also managed to actually make a decent looking sprite which you'll be pleased with. 

(1 edit)

This was a good read, despite being shit on almost every post the humor was still great. Will plop my comments below as I go through the thread. This should give some backstory to some of the more questionable choices I made for the development.

The 'bug' where the face shows up for a frame before the text was actually my doing. The speech bubble system was being weird when it changes between each text system (bubble and normal) for the first box that showed. Bit of a band aid fix but I made the first text box auto end without any text for a work around.

The retro costume is actually Hiroshi's outfit from version 1.1 of Ao Oni. Thanks for that bug fix in the Tatami room, can't believe I overlooked something like that (also misspelling 'guard' so much, I did fix most of them after Neco's videos). Got both fixed on my computer now.

The deal with Rose and being naked is a simple one - I found the base model but didn't finish the edits to it by the time I decided to launch the game. I did attempt to edit it to match the artwork but my skills in that department are not great so I just left it. The Mika transformation and chimney scenes are great feedback. I originally wanted basic animated cutscenes in the game but my friend had a hectic work schedule then. Now, who knows - his art has improved significantly and he's at I think three days a week. Another reason the animations were hard to do was because they are RPG Maker XP sprites being used in VX Ace with a script that can accept larger sprites. This causes problems trying to set them in the right positions to make the animation happen.

Yes, there is indeed meant to be a roof outside, little awkward to portray that. Moving on. The bug with the Oni at the start of the Annex was fixed I think (well it's the same code as the other rooms, so it could be tile related (seems to happen sometimes where the AI would get stuck on a part and I'd need to repaint a room) The Annex gave me the most problems designing. Oh! The doll head on the light bulb bug, thanks for that, also done a fix on my end, to the Labs!

The breaker puzzle idea is actually taken almost entirely from Dino Crisis, was a little nod to one of my favorite games. For the picture book, again, I wanted it all redrawn but never got around to doing it and the original still had its charm. The original version I made was around three times longer in text and much more edgy before I cut down a lot of the meat. I believe a sprinkle of M Night levels works for Ao Oni, it's always about the cheese!

Outside - The tombstone poem is by P. B. Shelley, and one of my favorite poets (he was the husband to Mary - Frankenstein's writer). It surprisingly matched with the puzzle so I used it. Essentially this was the second insert of something I love. 

Ah that 'c' word, it also didn't sit right with me, so don't worry. It was originally part of the older script mentioned above and then I left it in as a joke at the end. While it is disturbing, I realized that and the scene with the doctor were great conveyers at how the Oni's influence changes people - and it could also be debatable if it is happening to the doctor as well as the other workers or if they are truly evil pricks. 

I wanted to convey a sense of hopelessness through disgust and using taboo, which seems to have worked (especially in the thread I'm getting a chuckle). Been constantly debating about changing it though, but never did. It could have been a lot worse as I almost included worse examples - such as cannibalism in the catacombs and the 'n' word in the labs/mortuary. So that's basically the reasoning, not because of fetishes or whatever.

The Shun reveal - I originally wanted to have some clue in the basement that points to it, but with the lighting it was just too dark to enjoy. Actually, just checked the project and there was indeed a hint at the bottom of the basement stairs. Either I put that there later or it just isn't very visible.

Okay, I lost it at the Smiling Friends edit, genius. *chef's kiss*

Finally the perfect ending artwork was originally a placeholder but it just stayed, was meant to include much more original art in the game. 

"Maybe the body is mindless, but the mind is still somewhere in this case in red head." You said it perfectly - the Oni is like a husk that can't control its actions but is still along for the ride - it relies on its head space to try and talk to others to help it, but eventually the summoning curse infects the people it tries to use. As for why didn't everyone inside the Jailhouse forget people who died? I guess you could say being protags gave them plot armor? It's a good bit of feedback though, so maybe they were just simply immune while inside the Jailhouse? 

I'm sure if I did heavily change parts of the game to exclude the stuff that made the original a fan favorite I also would have copped some flack for not having it. Also on testing - I did try to get some playtesters but people just never seemed interested in helping me during development. I had to basically complete almost everything so I couldn't find all bugs and grammar errors myself.

Finally it seems you like Ridge's art, you can find his twitter here - and his artstation here I don't think he uses instagram anymore.

Sorry for the long reply. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.



Has to stay free due to the IP being owned by a company and used in various mobile games. If I ever did manage to finish the dlc in this life time I would possibly consider releasing it on Steam, although there isn't really a point to do it :)

Sorry for the late reply - 

I was considering scrapping it entirely as I was focusing on growing my youtube channel but around October I started brainstorming ideas and completely started from scratch yet again. Surprisingly I have everything planned out - maps, items, story, endings, and enemies are almost locked in.

I don't want to spoil anything for if I do release it, but it is now a single DLC loosely based on Ao Oni S, and as for the 'tales' DLC, when you play the game the first objective is to find each of your friends. When you find each friend, they are available to use as a partner and can complete their tale, which is a short story on what they did between the game and DLC. 

I don't want to set any expectations but maybe towards the end of the year something might appear, maybe.

Alright, try this one. I made it so you can always climb the rope and have to collect it from the top instead of solitary, and I also made it so you can take back any of the three blue keys in the exit area as long as you haven't used all three there.

I think I get what you mean now. You mean at the exit with the three doors? If the rope was placed in solitary, it should always be able to be collected/climbed or climbed. There should be no way to get trapped in that room unless I didn't update it properly. Try this file - it's the one I was editing the game with so it may be a bit of a mess. You can copy your save game file over by going to the main folder and copying Save01.rvdata2, Save02.rvdata2 etc to the new folder.

If it still does it I'll see if I can make some adjustments.

Not sure about that, did you install the RTP first? Also it could be muted in the volume mixer or not enabled in the debug menu. Press F1 when the game is running to bring up the debug menu.

Don't get your hopes up about the DLC, I've had trouble getting it to a state I found would be enjoyable, but my efforts do indeed exist and I'm pretty happy with this direction, so who knows.

Second floor is for when you start a new game plus (load up a completed game save) which gives the ability to change costumes, and the laundry is simply a locked door/back door to outside (not used for anything)

Surprisingly my video on my channel is nearing 30k views, had 2.5k downloads so it was pretty successful in my opinion. I had another 2k downloads before I didn't know how to use this site properly and replaced the download so it's around 4-5k downloads including gamejolt.

In the solitary room where one of the blue keys are (that shuts the door when taken) on the table. Use the lighter to see the number.

It's not quite every puzzle, but should help.


Piano - Combine Handkerchief and Soap and wipe the piano, avoid the Oni that will drop down and then go back and investigate. Looking at the message of the sun and moon the code it is the third number rotating while the second sits still, then the third number passes it only as its equal - only the second and third numbers are used - the third number rotates while the second is the same and then the third is used again only without rotating, then the final number would be what wasn't used.

Shrine - Use the Red Gem to get the Old Key. Take it back after.

Clock Room - The order of the red numbers are based on the dates of the deaths in order.


The lighter can make hidden items shimmer when near them on the shelves in the starting room. The cage room should have its light lit and door closed, then look at the right of the door for the code to the safe.


Head to the attic and get the lighter fluid, then back down to the 1F and into the kitchen and use the lighter, grabbing the rotten meat from the fridge and push the dumbwaiter button to send it to the 2F. Grab the guest room key from the dumb waiter and light bulb from the lamp.

The 2F outside balcony has the code from Jeff for his room box to get powder, as well as the grams needed for the explosive. 1.25 The fireplace can be lit and the doll burned to get the Yellow Gem, and the attic will now have a number etched in you need. The doll is in the North Hall left room (Jeff's Room) and one of its eyes sparkle.

In the North Hall right side door, put the Yellow Gem into the doll there and turn off the light, then take the doll head and replace it with the lightbulb to reveal a hidden door. Back in Jeff's room, use the doll head to reveal the safe and then the code from the attic to open the safe and get the basement key.


Move the shelf to the left of the door to reveal a panel. Use the star screw driver to open it and solve the puzzle (third, first, second) to restore power. Also get the picture book on the shelf and check it for the bookmark.

Use the flathead on the door panel to undo it, then use the bookmark to figure out the door code (red, green, grey, blue)

Use vinegar on the red key from the tub room (drain the tub, push it from the top) to get the iron gate key and proceed down to the basement. Check the disc and follow its pattern to push the portraits correctly (red, yellow, yellow, blue, yellow, red) to get metal stick. Combine it with the disc to get the catacombs key.

In the catacombs grab a bunch of gun powder (you can measure it later in Jeff's room with his scales and what the note said) Combine the powder and gun powder for explosive.

OLD BUILDING (Great to explore and figure out this area on your own)

Medical Room - Push the statue and torch from the exit into the room, gold statue is left, silver right and use the flame on each side and take note of the sides of each shape.

Have fun, just try to ignore my crappy spelling and grammar lol

That was what I was going for, to give the player the freedom to decide. 

Mika was an odd case since in the original she died and became an oni in the basement, so that created ~6 conditions just by the time you reached the basement. The other deaths were actually placeholders but I really liked how they flowed towards the end of development that I kept them. It also burned me out on how buggy her conditions become with all the events that it wore me down trying to fix them.

As for the game, I've tried to work on the DLC and restarted several times from scratch, but I'm just having trouble getting it to a point I like, so I'll probably not release it (sorry) 

On the plus side, I have a first draft design completed of a new horror game which I'm happy with as well as two very early survival horror games and a short oc horror titled Floss. I've also been toying with ideas to start an R version of Ao Oni School Nightmare, but that's just thoughts really. 

I enjoyed this one. I normally hate jump scares but you kept them to a minimum and even had a nice encounter at the end. 

Great game. Always an amazing experience playing your games. 

Push the statue and the torch from the exit area into the medical room. put them on the correct color and push the torch on either block below it.

Sorry, that's a little set back due to the lighting engine that was used, but it was a good trade off. You'll just have to close and reopen the game or load from the menu in game.

Easiest way is to put only one powder on the scales and then fiddle with the weights until it says both are equal. 

Once you know how much a single gunpowder weighs you can then use basic math to measure out what the note on the 2F balcony wants you to measure.

The bug I believe is the same as mentioned below, I recently hotfixed it. Also If you stand in front of the area where you picked up the blue key and then select it from the inventory, you can place the key again to unlock the door.

Oh god, just when I thought I was finally done with the bugs lol. Thanks for the report, I'll look over it in the next day or two. I'm glad you like the game, it means a lot.

(1 edit)

It has some bugs, which I'm in the process of fixing but, the way it works is:

You need to ignore the scream and just enter the basement, but there are conditions to it.

-When you hear Mika scream, checking the second floor in the room will always get her killed
-If you enter the basement after the scream without a) having Anna alive, or b) getting the compression kit, then Mika will die
-If Anna is alive, but you don't get Mika the compression kit, she will survive with Anna's help _but_ die towards the end of the game because of her ankle in an alternate/hidden death (my favorite death)

In short, to save Mika, you need to get her the compression kit for her ankle, which can be found in the left hall bathroom where the hiding spot/toilet is and just continue entering the basement after you hear the scream.

Sorry for the late reply, doubt you're still stuck by now but if you are:

Red Gem goes into the case in the room next to the basement door (undo the panel with the screwdriver). That will get you the key for the Rumpus Room on the third floor of the mansion.

(1 edit)

You need the correct amount of gun powder measured at the scales in the Doll Makers room (North Hall of the Annex)

The amount you need is revealed on the 2F Balcony of the Annex in a note. (through the Dining Room)

It's just a matter of figuring out what each chunk of gunpowder is worth.

Got a full playthrough here without commentary and with both the endings. I had no idea how to open the secret door or what time you get the extra mode though sadly (maybe it's something to do with the cat poster). 

I'm so glad you liked it. The perfect ending involves needing all six character cards as well as the spell. You get a character card for saving a character from a certain predicament.

There's also lots of stuff to discover, such as an unlockable hell mode for finishing hard, alternate costumes for Hiroshi and several cheats (which can be found in a notepad file in the install folder) Also two fun easter eggs are constantly clicking on the bathroom door before you first encounter the Oni as well as an alternate Mika death scene (which is my favorite) in the basement of the Old Building (Save Anna but don't get Mika the compression kit)

I tested the new version and was able to start exploring, so hopefully it's fixed. Thanks for letting me know and don't hesitate to tell me if something else occurs like it.

Okay, it's doing it to me as well., this is odd. Gimme a bit to try and fix it. Thanks for the feedback, I just wish I was informed about this earlier.