Died at halls of pain (because almost no one dropped a potion for the entirety of the level).
- I'm not a fan of the genre (I just played diablo1 and dark stone on psx) and I liked the rpg progression ala diablo1. But everyone wants "heroes" this days, so having a no one as a character could cut the legs of your game in the long run.
- I confirm the starting bow is busted (because it has infinite range). I can play lame, and just strafe/atk for the whole dungeon (ever saw how you play marines in stracraft1?) and kill everything. This needs to be resolved asap, don't let the player play lame.
- I dunno how but I got two spells from nothing, regen hp and regen mana (for a cost). I survived till almost the end of the halls of pain thanks to the hp spell.
- Levels feels on the long side, and I dunno if this is a one way travel or you can find a town portal to save/sell etc
- npc/diary text srcoll is on the slow side, but I admit I didn't check if you can speed it in the options.
Beside this, everything is great. Nothing but good stuff from atmosphere, music & effects, enemy roster and waves etc (but again I don't play this kind of games much, so refer to a fan).