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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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hopefully it really will be soon. the wheels on the free, for fun Immersive 3D RPG-shooter-thing (in space) collab have already started rolling, we're planning on starting it proper next year. your seat is still open should you have the free time for it.

What a Shame. any plans for a sequel or another 3D rpg?

thanks, i am glad to hear you had fun!
there's no plans on being able to sell your items at this time, although there are several shops throughout the game you can buy from

i have beaten it for the second time

my thoughts are: "i love it, where's the sequel". it was a lot of fun seeing this game through the DDs. it kinda fits with the story a bit- except instead of purgatory it's escaping agdg. maybe i'm reaching but it feels like the DD were part of the adventure.

anyway, here's a bunch of feedback to burden you with

SFX imbalance. a lot, like the waiting SFX, are grating and loud. would be fine if lowered but on their own as-is they're a pain. same with the default selection SFX, but the "back" sfx is fine.

fight speed resets every fight - leave it to what i set in the last fight please

fishing isn't explained to the player, you just sorta kinda do it. i caught every type of fish throughout the game, but just for the fun of it. apparently i got trinkets, but i have no idea what those are or where to get them.

mosca's RPS effect should have a soundbite to know the result - different pitch based on result?

killing the final enemy in a fight and having a party member have a turn immediately after leaves the menu open and interactable (until the text prompt shows up anyway)

xanadu soldier can guard two units at the same time? kinda weird

reloading save on the 4th round breaks things. game things i'm on an incorrect tile (away from where the screen is pointing), cant click anything. had to restart level. the exp also wasn't loaded, because i kept the old exp after reset, so doing the first fight gave me a level up

not gonna bother trying cards due to the bad presentation - a giant wall of text? bad impression. i'd rather just continue fighting. unsure what the reasoning for that and fishing are - i think the strength of your game was wanting to go and read the next story slide. doing the fishing and cards just delays that.

are bug when haydn attacked gazia, who used defend on haydn. haydn hits himself, lifesteals, and then his health bar above his head was full but his actual health was less than half

game crashed on a fight when haydn died in the thick forest level on the first fight. that level in general felt like a difficulty spike.

in the teleporter level w/ angels, after winning a fight in any biome, the path in that biome doesn't become white, so its a bit disorienting

medusoid hybrid d jelly sfx which sounds like a "radar ping" is obnoxious to listen to.

medusoid hybrid doesn't have a box around his animation when he casts his AAH spell

why do some portraits have AFTERLIFE GLADIATOR text in the background? feels like a temporary background element.

getting eliminated on the desert gaz level crashes game. the enemies that get hasted there (before the rotating tiles) are a bit too hard to deal with if you get unlucky and roll a difficult combo

gaz slaps mosca almost every fight. its great.

consider improving the artwork for when gaz gives finn the mantle and circlet. his reaction is kind of wonky

N E S S E N E E was what i took from the clues for the second sannoval trap, but having two options for a lot of paths (south left or south right?) made for i presume an incorrect answer since i followed what i thought was correct, but still got the "bug filled" u result. doesn't seem to do anything except be annoying a bit?

going underground with mosca, Enkidu and sasha, you reach the hallowed ground. i am prompted that finn has unspent points, but i cant select him - this happens for every ground that has an original party member and one that is not in the current party but has a unspent points.

i don;t remember if you could pick your party in the last build i played with brunner in the audience fight. very nice. in menus like these, 'RETURN' button is misleading - maybe replace it with PROCEED?

the haste sound from the carnivore dinosaur sounds like a banjo, pretty unusual.

looking back, most of the feedback is tied to just a few SFX sounds that can be quickly replaced if you see it. that and some crashes, but otherwise all is solid. the game did not feel particularly easy as it did before - although the final fight(s) are a bit on the easier side. the only mechanic i really dislike is when enemies need to be the last ones standing before you are allowed to slay them - the big issue is no indication. you expend resources to kill them, and you frustratingly find out "oops, you cant kill them yet!".

that's it. i wish you good luck with the release of the game. it's been a pleasure playing it every DD.

i tested performance with la_fafafa, it looks like he also has a lot of FPS drips in the middle of the burrows. i'll investigate when i wake up, thanks for the heads up

thanks for playing bakar!!

the framerate issues are new to me. is it in burrows only? was the previous level fine? it says youre hitting 59, which isn't that bad. does the framerate tank despite it saying 59?

the skullcap uses the stats from another helmet, it's fixed internally. oops.

>I also found a bug where you can get stuck in place and unable to move or attack. 

i found out what this is, but not what causes it. i'll simply bandaid this tomorrow morning and hope that fixes it. for some reason this never happened to me and i have no idea why. maybe something tied to FPS..?

thank you for playing!

> the merchant who give stuff in exchange of silver skulls, can reroll the store by reducing your mana 2 points.

Yeah, it's sort of intended. The game really is designed around playing ironman (no saves) so that stuff can't be done with that setting, but i allowed it for the default game mode - you can cheat if you want to but you dont have to. I didn't want to restrict that from players and it was too annoying to keep track of what the shop can roll, etc.

>Also, nice new enemy, she was powerful and fast  and killed me the first time I met her, and of course.... she steal my heart :3 

Thank you so much for the art and i am very glad you liked her! I think she is currently my favorite enemy, even if she will only show up a few times in the game. Im glad she's memorable :) 

thanks again for playing!

played as the best girl Zelvy, beat the game and it was fun as always. here's feedback in no particular order

- you're at the point now where you should add sound sliders, because i want to lower the game sounds but keep the music

- i played on the new map and i like it more. i like that touching the edge can teleport you to the middle, i think you should have more stuff like that, some level based things the player can use to their advantage. the sawblades are nice but i can't really tell where they will go, it would be helpful to have a path on the floor i know to avoid

-the game felt harder around the 9-10 min. mark, i needed to play much smarter. maybe i picked a bad build but it felt better for me since i like these games when they are more difficult instead of standing still and clicking to attack.

- i only noticed a few underground worm enemies and shy ghost ladies. most of the enemies were the big green balls and the brown worms with the unicorn horn. not sure if that is level specific

-enemies spawned in lines around you often, trapping you. i liked that a lot, keep it. it was very fun and it felt like i was playing against the dungeon instead of enemies always slowly appearing around it

-summoner spawned near me! nice. it was only the hooded guy, i didn't see the demon lady though. too bad.

have some fanart i posted in the thread this morning, in case you missed it. eager to see your future updates.

fireball is not really meant to be a wizard spell - it's for people who don't use wands. it scales good though!

curious to what the bug is though

thanks for playing!

since last DD:
added 3 levels, 1 done, 2 WIP

as always, skip if you played last DD

i'll also include some saves :

you got 2 INT-builds and 2 STR-builds at the same locations: save1 is at the end of the demo and save2 is before the Paladin Camp.

have fun!

lookin' good!

you made it quite far! congrats! one more room and that would've been the end of the (steam) demo

looks like final blow was broken for you, i'll take a look and see what's up with it.

thanks for playing and for the video! i hope you had fun

just finished watching the whole thing, thanks for playing and streaming! saw a couple of bugs i didn't know about which is always a good thing

> shared stash

i'm thinking of doing a chest you have in the mid game or so, where you can store really good items for another character to use. it's not complicated to code, and i already have a rare ingame currency (the silver skulls) that i can make the player have to save up if they want to use their stashed items - they give up using the shop in order to use their saved item.

> traditional ARPG save system

how traditional? do you mean how D2 sends you back to town?

>add a quicksave button already :P

exists! it's F9 or something. i forgot what the default binding is.

>- No way to turn off enemy highlight (outline) completely?

i didn't figure anyone would really want that. was that something you feel like you'd use? it's not difficulty to make, i'm just wondering why someone would want that.

>the pieces with more Armor

it's true! int gear has low def but slightly higher armor. this difference is obvious in the early game, but STR-dependent armor ends up outclassing int armor in all metric by the end. int gear serves as a way to allow a player who doesn't want to put points in STR/CON to still have avaialble outfits. 

everybody complains about the 11 int cape, but i believe it sort of serves as a nice example for the way the gear system works in the game - STR gear is better but INT gear exists

> would really be for it to always change. 

noted. will look into this.

> I bind forced-walk to W in ARPG, if possible. Would be cool if you could support that.

i tried doing it a bit ago but i think it's simply not something doable with how the movement functions. i'll revisit it again to see, since i do want there to be a good amount of player accommodations when possible.

> It’s weird that there are both DEX and AGI and both INT and MIND.

they focus on different things and allow for very specific builds. all in AGI makes you a fast archer, all in dex makes you an accurate one, if that makes sense.  it makes more sense in the long run, i think.

>I loaded a save from January for fun just now and ofc. it’s completely broken. 

totally. it's something i don't really care to fix at this stage, i'll look into save-parity later. since i change a lot of room loadouts, it's a pain. what happens is that room data X gets saved, but that room is completely different, so attempting to load the room and apply the data to the spawned room breaks. yes i'm very lazy.

> Faceless in stealth have no outline, implying they cannot be hit

that's just so it's harder to snipe them from afar - their dodge stat is the same no matter if they're cloaked on not

>PoE solved this by having the "always attack without moving" option to set on actions.

how does this work? i don't tend to play always-online games so i never really gave PoE a fair shot.  what i have is that holding shift prevents player movement on clicking. i figured if you have  always attack without moving, you'd need to use something other than left-mouse to move.

thanks for the excellent feedback and for the long playthrough! it is much appreciated and i hope you had fun. i'll be sure to fix a lot of things this coming week.

it was a lot of fun, very retro style. game logic and controls were easy to pick up

some things:

>needs SFX on picking up a food or breaking your combo chain

>the vending machine was basically always going from top left to bottom right, i don't think it ever went to the top right. maybe it should have more movement options. (maybe it does when you het a higher combo, but i did not see it)

>more juice? unsure what specifically, but things felt a bit too static. you have a freedom to really juice up things - make the vending machine really slam or bounce on colliding a wall, maybe a big animation on eating food, etc. 

>tactic is to just ignore food until near completion then just chain as much as you can. there should be some incentive against doing that - maybe food speeds up the more of it is around? or the vending machine speeds up? you get the idea

good job!

ahoy, we played a bit of Galduen on stream

we start at 1:58:03

we tried to figure out how to find the harpy people but were unable to. still, what is there looks nice.


we played tankgame on stream

starting at around 51mins in

it took me a bit to get going but the game was a lot of fun. good job.

ahoy, we played La Fleur De L'Est on stream 

it was the first game in the stream

hopefully it will be of some use to you

glad to hear you had fun! people tend to run out of potions on the Halls of Pain, mostly due to the level design and lack of treasure-rooms. thanks for playing and for the feedback

he's SO back

thanks for playing!


we played dungeon watchers on stream

starting at 2:05:10 and until 02:57:00. we had fun but broke it a bit!

all the changes (which there aren't that many of) happen several hours into the demo

so if you played last DD (or even the one before), feel free to skip this submission

born to sleep
forced to dev (by your own brain)

you say that, but the mosca slap carried me though many a challenges

bit by bit you chip at the ore to reveal the gold within. keep it up vita

thank you very much! it's high praise coming from you

interesting. i'll keep a track of this anyway. i know there is an actual game-related crash that occurs very rarely, since i've had two people tell me about it in the last few months. thanks for posting the log!

congrats! you're the first person to beat the full thing this DD! truly you are outdoing yourself playing through the whole thing every time.
i'll look into the spell thing and the timer - kinda weird that the timer shows that weird format. could you send me your save file so i can poke around? healing light tracks itself as a spell, though, so you'd have at least 3.

>spamming charge

i think this was mostly due to the Afterlife Gladiator helmet buff - i sort of don't want to hamper silly builds like that too much. instead i'll look into adding an AOE-slam ability or something to give you more fun options so you don't have to rely on just one thing.

thanks again for the playing/videos. your feedback is greatly appreciated and i already spent half the morning implementing some of your suggestions.

you are going to make it. godspeed.

>Buying an item, going up and down stairs - item is back in the shop.

good catch. i'll fix this now

>Maps after palacamp feel a bit empty and repetitive,

yeah, theyre all in varying stages of being ready. none of them really have any props so it's just walls and enemies.

>the skeleton archer

what a silly and strange error, i wonder what broke with him. i'll take a look now

>charge VFX

all the combat arts have pretty lame visuals. i really need to get on that...

thanks for the video and feedback. i'll get on this now!


if you did one run after the crash, can you check if you have any mention of it in your Player-Prev.log file (Player.log is last run, Player-prev is second to last run)? it's most likely related to your PC, but it might help to know if something the game did made the crash more likely. it's in your C drive, C:\Users\YourName\AppData\LocalLow\osur\Tower of Kalemonvo

>Elite Enemies, especially on low Levels have too much Health I think. Since they deal enormous Damage, you have to kite them in some Way unless you're terribly overequipped

will change this now

>Mimic on the Bossfloor is just the same as with Elite Enemies there.

hmm, i'll try this out. i'm surprised mimics give you trouble, although i understand elite enemies (back to back 'boss fights' drain your resources)

>It just doesn't feel good to miss, at all. And if you miss multiple Times in a row and just watch your health deplete massively due to rng, it feels even worse.

i sort of agree, but i still think i've got the best interpretation. there was a lot of discussions about this with other playtesters some DDs ago. Mokudev suggested having a "miss is just an attack that didn't fully connect", which in my mind just made the game boring. at this point i'm not sure there is any better implementation that i'd personally enjoy.

i did internally mess with two-handers last night, so i might take a look at the starting 1h weapons as well before i push out the post-dd-hotfix patch.

as always, thanks for playing! the fact that you played again is very nice to hear.

Good Evening, thanks for playing!

 a lot of the new stuff is just content after the first few levels. i think it really begins right where you stopped, with the shop keepers, NPCs, and new levels. even with that in mind there isn’t really that much new stuff, a lot of time went into fixing and polishing things and just making the game work. there’s about 4 or 5 new levels since you last played but i think it’s fine to stop where you did.
thanks for playing and im very pleased to hear you enjoyed the atmosphere!

thank you for playing and for the feedback!

>I don't understand how to use heavy weapons. Their slower attack speed seems to make them 100% useless when I'm trying to hit and run.

you're mostly meant to stand and fight with them, since there's no way to properly kite with them unless you roll +Attack Speed. they'll get some more tweaks.


need to buff them a bit. they really do get twoshot in that level!

>I expected to get some sort of magic that would convert mp to hp

there is a world object that does exactly that with potions - you might have gotten unlucky and it didn't spawn anywhere for you. there is one that has a guaranteed spawn in the south-east wing of that floor, but that might've been too far.

>I like the core gameplay here, but it's not fast-paced enough for the roguelike replayability structure to be enticing for me. 

i get that! i much prefer slow-paced, and i know that i'm going against what most people find enjoyable. hopefully with some more polish and tweaks i can get it to a place where fast-paced enjoyers wont feel too out of their element.

thanks again for playing and for the feedback and congrats on making it as far as you did!

it might be a case of not playing the game fully through in one (or a few) sitting(s), since i kind of forgot about the award ceremony scene. you can also feel free to ignore any story criticism since i'm very much out of my element in that front

this is a phenomenal looking game. from the gameplay to the UI, you've really done an excellent job. i tried both missions, i got A+ on the first one and i failed the second one a few times in a row. 

from my time with the game i had two major issues:

readability and encounter design.

for readability, in the first level, the sand colored mechs are in the sand colored streets surrounded by sand colored debris. the biggest indication that an enemy was nearby was the red triangle above their head(s). because of this my eyes were glued to the radar, which was a better way to find enemies than just the screen, which is a shame because i am spending my time NOT looking at the great art. how about a red outline around the enemies? maybe change the mech color? it felt the worst when an enemy would be in the middle of a destroyed building covered in rubble, i can't see the mech at a glance. i also had some minor trouble gauging my HP/ammo but i got used to it quick so it might be an user error.

the second issue is ensuring you are in a fun environment to kill stuff in. the more destructibles are near you the better the game is - empty fields are boring. i think a simple solution would be instead of the enemies coming to you, they might be attracted to some mission objectives you defend, ensuing that you move around "populated" areas and are thus always near new stuff to blow up. i felt this when i went out of the map-bounds on mission 2, it was quite empty and shooting the worms just wasnt the same as blowing up a mech in a city center.

while i did rant a bit, don't let this detract from the fact that i loved this game and found it gorgeous and fun to play. keep doing what you're doing, you've got a great game already and it can only get better.

thank you very much for the detailed feedback. i'll pass this on to my music guy

for the demo, the "end" is in the Hall of Pain, the blue square level. skeleton pit is a side objective, and you can continue further if you go back  a floor and head the opposite direction. there's many more levels, but you've already played more than enough! thanks again for the art and feedback, it's much appreciated

thank you for the very SMUG Kira! she looks great! she's intentionally smug, her character's like that to contrast the straight-laced default character.

>the description says they disappear after 60 seconds

crap i forgot to update that. they now last forever since i didn't like the duration mechanic, but i didn't rewrite the spell description.


i'm curious about your thoughts on the music. the new music is brand new (it was finished like 4 days ago), and i talked a lot about the old track with the music guy and we both agreed the old one was a bit boring. is there anything more you can tell me about your thoughts on the new one? is it too "epic" or bombastic / intense for the environment? 

thanks again for the playthrough, feedback and drawing! as far as i know, you and The-Gun-Is-Good dev made it the farthest (the skeleton pit area), which is i think an area that's too repetitive/difficult/stale. it and the 2 levels after it are getting changed at some point. either way, congrats on making it that far! it's not an easy feat

i have beaten it,  there were no further issues.

i am not well read so i can't really comment on the quality of the story from start to finish except to say that i liked it a lot and the ending made me emotional. something that i did notice is that the egg only seems to exist in writing and flashbacks - there isn't a (present era) visual for it, which i think goes against the idea of it. if it's supposed to be an object of great temptation, great enough that Finnigan himself hides it without knowing where he puts it, it seems kinda weird to not show it. i'm reminded of LotR movies where the one ring is always shown (and zoomed in with a special music track) when exposed, which helps make it important to the viewer. i think even a single scene of "here's the egg. whoa" would reinforce how you are describing it.  otherwise the ending is great. i mention this before but i specifically like how you handle the way characters exit the story. i am keeping it vague in case of anyone here reading that hasn't beaten the demo. 

so, some technicals

"ocean" level, you can't see your staring position, it's obscured by the menu at the bottom right

the ground flickering effect is very, very good. i really like it.

the shop being unmanned and free in the lategame is a cool touch. i still basically never used anything from the shop, the only item i ever remember using was the reviving feather and that was several DDs ago. no clue if you really need to change anything, since i think at this point i am experienced enough and this might be more beneficial to newer players.

the goon/meduzoid god claw-attack sound is kinda weak. it does have the claw imagery but it doesn't really do it for me

for the last chunk of the game haydn feels a bit absent from dialogues - but at the same time what can you really do with an animal that doesn't really speak. he does have a moment in the end, but the section before that is absent, enough that on my playthrough last time i wrote "no haydn?".

going to comment again that the portraits changing depending on the character's mood is excellent. i notice it more and more and i like it every time i see it

the final boss felt kinda simple, same with the fights before it. it took me a bit to figure out the order for the Pets, but it was fine once i did. i think maybe another "arena puzzle" is in order, like how you did it previously with Sannoval or the forest level. the actual final boss i wouldn't really consider a battle - he only cast frog migration which doesn't really seem to do anything except slow (some? unsure which characters are chosen) characters. then i killed him with a sword.

another nerf suggestion for Mosca's AOE slow - i think it should have a hard-cap max slow amount. in the Pets fight, i spammed an unupgraded motivate on mosca for her to aoe slow, enough that the casting (bottom row, forgot name) enemy was slowed to basically nothing. i was able to wait -> slow -> wait before he got any action in. i think a max 3 multiplier of the same slow should be the enough, but allow multiple different slow instances to stack more. 

well done. i am going to miss seeing new content every demo day and im glad i was able to join you for the ride to see how this game evolved. since i know this is your first game, i hope that you enjoyed making this enough to warrant more games from you in the future. expect a day 1 purchase from me once AG is for sale.

no need to apologize, this is what DD is for. i'll download the latest update and report back

thanks for playing again bluesanddev!

have you tried using the shield combat arts? for me, i feel like one handed weapon +  shield simply outclasses everything.

>magic arrow

probably would be good to include a separate "slow" only arrow skill or something. it is true that it's much, much more useful than for example lightning or fire.

thanks again for giving it another go, and i again must say that i really liked your fanart! thank you!

i have seen the great ordeal and i believe it. a lot of games tend to have the whole "the enemy is dire and their numbers uncountable" and i just go "yeah sure" but in this one i felt it. clashes with 30 enemies on screen, huge maps, hundreds of foes, big towers, and a lot of blood later, yeah you nailed the scale.

i'll go chronologically with my feedback.

the intro sequence had no right to be this cool. the only issues i had is that the lady's voice is a bit quiet, and there's some pops in the audio. at some point the cutscene finishes, but instead of automatically taking you forward, you still have to press the Skip button to proceed. a bit weird.

i don't know the source material so a lot of stuff felt very Dune 1984 style of "the narrator is using a lot of custom words and you are just meant to roll with it", but i got the general vibe. this of course depends on what you want your core audience to be - fans of the books will surely get it and not require anything, but someone foreign to it all will go "ok i have no idea what's going on, who is this guy, what's all this". something that isn't tied to the source material is the character sheet/stats, which i think could use details. some are obvious, but what would Conviction affect?

tutorial works and makes sense. ghostly green pots are a bit unusual but not a big deal. some animations are a bit wonky, such as being able to move while the tail end of the attack animation is playing, and the character's right foot being bent as he walks

some wonkiness like having E to open the dialog menu, but mouse to select? at least have it possible to press a number to select an option, since that's near the E key anyway. another silly conversation thing is the speaking character's name/title at the top left changes dimensions based on the amount of dialog spoken.

this is a really cool visual and the first moment of the game's scale matching to the game's plot/narration.

had a minor bug in the camp with the map. i accidentally selected the camp when i meant to teleport on the field, but this restarted the cutscene showing holy-man and the camp. i skip it, but this takes me back to the map screen except the cursor is out of bounds so i can't really do anything except return to menu and reload

onto the field of glory

having several dozens of enemies holding a point is GREAT. the ragdolls are lovely too, although they sometimes dont occur. i noticed this specifically with archers. my big grips is that i can always see the enemies spawn once i approach the capture point, which takes me out of it. i think just spawn them a bit further away and have them sprint towards you? something else that was a nuisance was that the cutscene UI would turn on when i capture a point - even if i was mid fight. no need for that at all, methinks.

the summon reinforcement skill is great for these fights

i clear 5 fountains and head up towards the top of the tower, when the big troll guy shows up

another very cool encounter, he came out of nowhere. i avoided him and climbed up

the tower is cool but the sequence of the elevator a bit too slow. if you're going to maintain that speed, give me something to look at while it goes on.

i clear the bottom floor. all the enemies got stuck and dint attack me, so i pull the lever and proceed to the troll room. reinforcements summoned and the troll + spawner dispatched, its a long hallway to return to the camp.

this was a very fun sequence, from the start of the camp to returning to it.  i ended up sticking with the starting weapon since equipping a flail didn't really seem to do anything, it didnt have a visual and did no damage. some items also had unusual stats that i didn't know how to interpret, like madness resistance. i'm surprised at how good your save system seems to have worked, i would always respawn in the correct position and everything else seemed to work fine.

once i returned to the camp i had multiple other destinations, but i accidentally selected the battle i just came from. it teleported me to the tower, so i stopped there since i didn't want to walk those two long hallways downstairs again. probably worth it to add some idiotproofing to the map screen since i made a mistake every single time i tried using it.

long story short, it was a lot of fun. kinda surprised how quickly you were able to put this together. the scale of the game is your greatest strength, so i suggest leaning into it. need more giant monster fights or giant 30 on 30 battles! 

you clearly know where you want this to go, so keep doing what you're doing!