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I like how you interpreted the theme in a creative way and made a simple but fun arcade style game.

First I want to talk about the art. I really like the little sprites that make up the scene. While it isn't the most detailed pixel art, they all fit the same goofy style that make them cohesive. That being said, I notice that the "pixel density" is all over the place, making the sprites not fit together as well as they could have (If your not sure what I mean by that, I'm referring to how the actual pixels in each sprite vary in size. To avoid this, make sure each sprite uses the same "Pixels per unit", and you are not scaling any sprites).

One other thing I noticed about the pixel art is that you are not consistent with your outlining. Some things like the knife, parts of the blender, and the mat the blender is on each have colored outlines. While the fruits, player, and bottles don't have colored outlines. In the future I recommend picking an outline style (black, colored, none, etc.) early on, and using it for all sprites. I think doing this plus fixing the pixel density issue would make the game look much more polished. 

Next I want to go over the audio. I think the music is a good fit for this game, and all of the sound effects were good choices. They aren't very realistic, but with the goofy art style and arcade style game that's not a bad thing.

Last I want to go into the actual gameplay. I'm really happy to see a tutorial for your game. Even if the controls aren't super complicated, having a tutorial makes the game feel more polished, and makes it much less likely a player won't understand what to do.

In regards to the actual gameplay loop, I think you made a lot out of a really simple idea. The fruits spawn at a good pace, and the knife + player movement speed feel just right (I assume there was a good amount of playtesting). In addition, the powerup bottles do a good job of giving the player something to do while they wait for the fruit they need. Without them I imagine it would be much more frustrating when you are waiting.

That being said I do have a couple smaller issues with the gameplay. To start, there are times where the game will not give you the fruit you need. I had a few attempts end due to the fruit I need not appearing for the entire timers duration. This creates a lack of control for the player, which isn't ideal (especially in an arcade style game). This could maybe be fixed by making the fruit spawn in a set order rather than at random (I'm sure there's many solutions to this tho).

My other annoyance with the game is the "Click really fast" when trying to get a powerup. It's a small issue that probably won't bother to many players, but I find it a more annoying than fun mechanic, and it also feels a bit detached from the rest of the game. I think getting the powerups could have been related to the fruits in some way (like a pickup, or something you deliver to the bottles). But again, this is a minor issue, and the current powerup system is much better than nothing.

Overall, while the game may not have the depth to keep people playing for long periods of time, it is charming and fun enough to keep most people entertained for their first few tries. I apologize if this review was a bit much, but I'm doing this to all the games from this jam as I think critiques help us grow.

Thanks Brad for the feedback! I'll definitely keep a consistent pixel density and outline for any further projects, as art is probably one of my weak points as a game creator. And the randomness of the fruit spawn is a common problem a lot of players had, so thanks for pointing it out. Overall though, I really appreciate the feedback and definitely will learn from it!