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Fun game, it brought back my nostalgia from playing SkiFree on Windows as a kid (especially the part where I would quickly get eaten by an abominable snowman every game...).  I was in one situation where on the last level I couldn't use my bandages anymore (they were on C in my inventory), not sure what caused that.  Fortunately I had a few first aid kits.  I think there may have been a situation I came across a few times where after breaking if you move laterally it would go more than one square?  I never had a chance to reproduce, I could be wrong about that.  I came across a very annoying situation  during one of my early games:  since the yeti can attack diagonally, you can get caught in situations that are inescapable -- see below.  I did try to move back and circle around it on those four squares but it just moved into the tile the player is standing on in the image, blocking the exit as it mercilessly hit me for 10 damage per turn.

The art is excellent and feels so fitting for the game, and I loved the @ that represents the skier's head.  A fun game overall and I'm glad I eventually managed to get a win  :-)


Thanks for reviewing,  glad you enjoyed playing. I'm impressed you won given as you point out the game is capable of throwing impossible to escape situations. I was planning to add a few items to help alleviate such situations, such as binoculars to see further and an axe that could be used to cut down a tree. It turns out I forgot to add the C key to the input handler, oops, good job the first aid kits weren't in that slot...