Hello again. Hope you are well. I have been trying the new QDock version 1.63. I can confirm that it is again usable.
Drop on icon feature works except for one of my apps which I am looking into it to see why. My app is a de archiving app which executes a bat file (script) in S:. I have added it in the Drop on app list but it doesn’t do anything when dropping an archive over it. I have called it XAD->RAM and wrote that exact name in the list. My app works fine in WBDock2. Also in UNpacker when dropping an archive on it, it doesn’t show an output window to know what is doing. If you just click the unpacker app and de archive a file then it shows.
It seems that there are no more lock ups and clicks register normally.
One remark is that when you click on an icon to open an app you should not move away from it immediately because the app usually doesn’t open. You should leave the mouse on that app icon you try to open for like a second and then it opens fine no problem.
Also changing Dock style with (X) it can mess up the position and it usually disappears from screen and you need to change the coordinates manually in prefs file to see the dock again.
That is all for now. Great effort, we are getting there