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Amazing work!! I'm sooo looking forward to Reuben's route!


I hope everyone likes it. I'm having some anxiety about this one but I really love him as a character. He's such a sweetie. (*/ω\*)


I got the vibes he was sweet just from the little we see him so that is already coming across! I love seeing him in Caissa's route trying to help you and in Quill's route really just trying to do what's right! I really liked him and am so happy to see him in his entirety!

(Also very excited to see Yuu and what struggles he will face with the obvious breach of privacy and disregard for you as a person! I work in healthcare and am anticipating a massive blow up if he realizes they tried to kidnap his patient and he actually helped them do it almost! ((if it goes that way)))

Would you rather me put comments on Discord or elsewhere if they are long or so they can be longer? I'm newer to commenting on things and feel like maybe I'm doing it wrong? '^_^


You can post wherever you like! <3

It's easier in Discord since it's more real time (and sometimes I forget to respond here) - but really, you can post wherever! (❁´◡`❁)

See I forget to respond in Discord! There's so much to look at and lots of notifications I get overwhelmed and end up missing things! I'll see about putting longer things there in the future though (^_^)