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You should link your socials, or at least a discord server. I'm trying to become a better 3d artist, and because your game was surprisingly satisfying, I decided to use it for practice. What name have you been calling these mobs? I've been prefixing all my files with Soap_goblin_ lol


Wow, I'm flattered, that's the first "fan art" someone make about my stuff. Did you used blender ? Or maybe Z brush or Sculptris ? The environment is really (really) awesome, but imo you should use less smoothing on the monster, and/or bevel the edges of the monsters before apply a smooth modifier (if you did that), to preserve the squared shape.

Yeah... even if I work mostly in 2D, I made 1 year of 3D modeling/animation during my studies : ) 

I don't know what to call them, except "minions" , but in the engine there are simply called : Monster1, monster2... etc but called them soap goblins is perfect !

There are made of simple blocky shape, I had to be quick and efficient during the jam. And their color is simply to make them more visible, to contrast with the background. 

I'm not really a social media person, i don't even know how discord work...

Keep practicing !

(1 edit)

The monster was all done in blender, sculpted then re-topologized. haha I struggled a lot deciding how smooth to make the goblin, it was hard imagining what you would imagine them to look like in 3d.

the environment only turned out so great because I was copying such an excellent base. I really appreciated All the colors you chose, and some of the simple techniques you used opened my eyes a little, like the illusion of "depth" by drawing some leaf splotches disconnected on the foremost treeline,  the godrays on foremost trees, and just the way you did the branches in general.

Thanks, I will, you too!