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Alambik ⚗

A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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5 months later...

At the request of a few people, including you ! And after navigating a long administrative journey, I finally decided to enable donations on certain projects, including this one. So now, you can >INSERT 1 COIN< into the arcade machine if you'd like ! 👾

As a bonus, I've also opened a ☕Ko-fi page for those who want to become my dear patrons. I plan to offer exclusive extras, like VIP downloadable game versions and other cool perks, for a small contribution.

Thank you for being one of the sparks that inspired all of this! ⚡

😂 Tu est sur ? Intéractable c'est pas trop mal non plus ! 

Etre bilingue ça vous flingue vraiment le cerveau des fois...

Welcome to the syndicate my friend, just let your soul at the entrance...

Thx. No, this just aimed to be a nostalgic time travel procgen art piece made for the PROCJAM 2024, nothing more. Just chill vibes, cool lowriders, unrestricted music experiments and Japanese city pop art tribute.

But Maybe I will use the render as a visualizer if I made another v a p o r w a v e song or something, idk...

Keep chillin'

Hey ! Of course you can use the screens, I don’t plan on claiming intellectual property on these patterns... at least not yet 😏 (they are a bit small though). The limited palette does the job, and this kind of limitation (like in game jams) really drives creativity. So yeah, I agree with you, restricting color choices is a good idea. Plus, you picked a super cute palette. However, a non saturated pink and yellow could be a cool addition I think...

Here, I made a new batch, your new screenshots tickled my creativity, I aimed for some top down view landscapes this time (not totally baked though) . 1 : Suburbia 2 : Minecraft map 3 : Archipelago 4 : Rivers (this one is insane I think, you can make tiger stripes with black and orange too or zebra stripes with b&w )

Your idea was really sexy, I already see the picture, its a lot of work indeed, but I didn't see anything too complex in term of procgen. Oh you too have a "to do list", don't put too much thing in it, cause death have a list too and we are also on it :)

So maybe we will sail the highs seas on the next Procjam who knows. A U-boat generator can be cool too... without the nazis inside.
I know i'm going nerdy here, but hey, ever heard of the RV flip ? I saw that the other day, now its just my favorite ship of all time, and I think you can be interest in that.


WTF !?

You're welcome Aaron. I always liked boats, believe it or not but I was drawing a ton of 2D boats sectional view as a kid, I also always been in love with plans and technical drawing, seeing the interior of those floating cities as always been a kink too. I would have love to make a visual Victorian/steampunk boat generator.

Maybe I will steal you this idea for the next procjam edition, who knows... 😁 Watabou also made a ship generator this year too

It's the best welcome to you can think of !

That was wonderful, very poetic. When I understood it was a full life cycle, I restarted a gen while listening to "Clair de lune" of Debussy for maximal melancholia effect, just to see... And it worked so well together, so well tears escaped from my eyes while this tree made of pixel danced in front of me before inexorably...dying.

I don't want *this* to end, why everything must always come to an end ?

Thank you for this moment.

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I discovered all your little dirty secrets 😈

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The Donald Trump ego is 16 854 tons and 670 feet long, its 6 feet more than the NY Trump tower ! Pretty huge IMO.

More seriously, this is very well made, an ultra specific kink but very qualitative, it evokes for me a whole imagination made up of engine room, workers with faces blackened by coal, brass chimneys and people with good manners who dress with distinction.

At first I thought of another "uninspired" WFC generator, but no, its dope. I lost at least 30 min doing pixel art and experiment with it. For me its the perfect mix between creativity and procgen.

Heres a few cool thing I came across :

This would be cool to have a 16x16 grid to play with + more colors. Again, nice job !

Congratulation, you did it, your generator has a TTP of just a few seconds 👏

Well thank you, and I must say you reading my mind, I already thought of some timer or music selector. The 10 seconds tracks is the main problem of this generator, cause the loops get old pretty fast, but they also contribute to the uniqueness of each generation.
I had to choose between doing only 1 long track or doing multiple short ones, for the sake of variety I choose the second option, thinking people will not stay here for too long. So yeah, maybe creating a "long trip" mode can be cool.

The parallel with spatial psycho technique tests was so obvious I thought your work was a direct reference to them at first... Cause adding and subtracting basic shapes like that is a classic in space monkey intelligence testing. TBH, I already pass some lame ass tests way easier than your game ! 
Ok, so if it's touch screen compatible, I understand the lack of preview. Now having that in mind you could also detect if the user is on a smartphone or on desktop, if... the code can handle it...
I know music can look hard and impenetrable for many coder, but at the end, music is "just" audible math : frequencies, harmonics and interval, thats it. I even think its the most mathematical art form around here. Tell yourself that there is even subtractive and additive way of making sound too ! (with FM synthesis i.e) Also throwing a pre made looping tracks into a project should not be that hard for you I think.

So we will see next year, maybe... 👀

Is it a pattern ? Is it a planet ? No, it's a god damn IQ test in disguise...

That was super original, my only complain is the lack of preview before selecting a cell. But there is the undo function to make mistakes so that's ok. Cause sometimes, it feels like I bruteforce the thing instead of using my brain. Maybe adding a preview and forcing the player to make it to the end in X turns could be a good addition, I don't know. 
The fact that the game doesn't spam you with a new tutorial when you launch it a second time is a nice detail too.
Also the infinite emptiness of the void was hard to hear for me, so I put some dark ambient while playing, and it fit perfectly, providing an instant buff of +10 charisma to your game.

Nice job here

ooook, so this is why it looks like an over fried .gif from the nineties compressed and reupload 30 times in a row ! This is some really creative wizardry to bring some life into your traditional art style. Maybe you are not a pixel art hater after all...😏

I really need to play FO2 one day. To make a chaotic evil run with a 0 INT character which become a slaver pimp, what a dream.

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Yeah I saw that, but it can only be rotated on the Y axis, not the X and Z. Therefore, this biases what is possible to sculpt using the brush. This mean you can only dig holes in the angle the camera is facing, like that :

Imagine using a 3D sculpting software like Sculptris or Zbrush, with only 1 camera axis rotation, this will be a total nightmare...
Oh and BTW , just to confirm to you : now I have music ! I don't know why I didn't hear it in the first place... nice C418 vibe guys

The cake is a lie.

I'm talkin to a flying .png of yourself, in a dark void, at the birthday party of some strange kids I met in the middle of Silent Hill, man what a strange day...

The art is sublime, I never saw a polka dot style like that, it really brings a cool texture. The MF in a dress with the pen tip head was scary as hell, he feels like the pyramid head of the place. The ambiance was outer-space too, the music pretty bare-bone but ultra eerie and fitting. I just wish I knew Russian...

Very inspiring, now I want to create a FPS horror/eerie walking sim in C3

Damn, I didn't even see I could already do it, nice ! So the absence of an apparent brush may be another problem now, also sadly, I had no music during my playtest unlike mentioned.

Sir, you are an absolute legend, a nerd and a real gentleman. I must rename the first track "Ladies and Delca" now !
I see 3 possibilities :
-1 : I used a very old "deprecated" 🦜version of FL studio, my DAW , even a 32 bit one, and I had to manually export 40 songs into .ogg, so maybe something went wrong here, or ...
-2 : Then I had to import the songs into the Construct 3 engine which then convert them into .webm for maximal compatibility and it goes wrong here, or...
-3 : During the export/compile/minify process...

Anyway, thank you ! I will work on that when my body and mind has completely recover from the jam. I suffer what I call the "post jam disgust " right now.

The ability to rotate the camera on all axis and the ability to adjust the size of the pencil could be a good addition to this already good base.

Hämis 👍  for reviving all my existential Lovecraftian horror and my fear of pink liquid.

Very good color choice, very good art, I just wish there was more variety, more fish "parts" . Anyway, the fact that we can download the fish by right clicking on them is pretty neat !

Hey, glad to see you here for the third time in a row, procmaster. And thank you, you manage to reproduce the EXACT same bug I encounter too, on the EXACT same tracks, I have no freakin ideas of what can cause that, this 2 tracks have nothing special, and its the same in the code. I'm lost... I can't help but suspect my dear Blazingfox of being at fault in this case, chromium based bros works fine too on my side, this driving me insane... 

Why is there a hidden dancefloor when you noclip into the backroom, could we have been lied to ? Anyway the nostalgia was strong with this one, this remember me some abandoned 3D PC MMOs, very uncanny.

Next step : life form

You are a pirate !


This is vertiginous... Here's a picture of my face during the whole experience : 

I also count each star one by one just to be sure, and I can 100% confirm there are 100,000,000,000 of them.
You rock dude !

This is sooo A E S T H E T I C, I love this kind of 90' cyber capitalist vibes.
I disabled my adblocker only for this ^^


I suppose you came from Discord, I appreciate the last minute rating... and fast, I will try do my duty too !

I hope you got the... "victory" :)

Hey, I did'nt know about "phage wars". The story is : one of the designers who participated to our brainstorming session on Figma has proposed this concept :

Due to budget cut, I took the idea and re-adapted it, by merging the "mass" idea with the population one, among other things . I was also inspired by all the fake trash mobile game ads where we can see heroes with number on top of their head, central mechanic to the fake design of those fake game, where the number act has a "all in one power value for everything". That's how the game was born. But maybe I saw a web/flash game like "phage wars" when I was younger, I dont remember, I cant tell...

Sorry for the motion sickness tho, now I also think it's a bit too much for a slow paced game like that, but I had to quickly add juice a all cost, and that's the solution I came with. Anyway thx for giving me some new ideas I can take :)

I hate the websites (and people) like "Y8" & co, who steal the [FREE] creations of devs to make money on their back, without any consent or remuneration. The DRM try to be basically a giant middle finger to all this soulless capitalistic trashbags. But any h4ck3rman can break that in 5 min I guess...

Canabalt art direction is very similar indeed. But I think the main inspiraton beside SimTower, is Mineshift, another PROCJAM (2021) entry.

Thx for the visit citizen, and don't forget to go out with your trans-dermal ID chip up to date, or the cyber neo cartel will cause you trouble🤖

I actually played the game with no internet connection to have the full experience, and it worked great !

The pixel war : the return ,I guess

2D snakes are for kids, real Chads only play in 3D 🗿 Can't wait for the 4D non euclidean post jam update...

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Yeah, I guess that's what a second game looks like, and you played the last version of it...

BTW this was my primary inspiration in term of design during the jam : (a classic)

This game is just a psychic brain f*ckery about fighting and fleeing yourself. Its all about the shadows that a man hides in the confines of his psyche, shadows that you have to discover, fight and/or accept to progress as a human being.

Hiding our demons behind anti-blast doors and endless brain conundrum is what we all do to accept the harsh reality of our lives.

Also the US dropped 2 freaking atomic bombs which vaporized 100 000 innocent souls in a snap, and everybody forgot that shit like it's nothing. Winners definitely wrote the history...

What you are fighting for, is what other people fight against. I think there are no such things as good and evil in the universe, that's what this game is about for me, and that's why there are no "true" ending.

Also "Democracy" doesn't freaking mean anythings nowadays, you can change that by whatever the hell you fight for or against.

Anyway, I really wanted you guys to feel clever AF after beating this game, sorry if you feel dumb for once !