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I should clarify. I do like some games where routes overlap! I think a great example of this is the game Reverie Ebon Light. They allow the MC to have vastly different personalities and still achieve favorable outcomes and have enough variation in routes to have high replay ability. It is also free and has an extensive glossary! I think I've just played too many recently that have been not as fun to play. It can definitely be a great and different way to tell a story and yes seeing different characters reactions (especially where they interact with each other) is always interesting.


I love Ebon Light! It's one of my favourite games. ╰(*°▽°*)╯

The dev did such a great job of making it interesting to replay. That is definitely the style of experience I'd like to create too - something where people look forward to replaying to see how other characters act in their unique character moments.

Yes, It's one of my favorites too! And they have different things you can do with the items you can take from Duliae's house! I really wish I had the opportunity to meet Ernol's mother!


Same! I was so curious about her!